Natura approach

Páginas: 2 (307 palabras) Publicado: 6 de junio de 2010

The Natural Approach was developed by Tracy Terrell and Stephen Krashen, starting in 1977. It came to have a wide influence in language teaching in the United States and aroundthe world.

Theory of language

The Communicative view of language is the view behind the Natural Approach. Particular emphasis is laid on language as a set of messages that canbe understood.

Theory of learning

The Natural Approach is based on the following tenets:

* Language acquisition (an unconscious process developed through using languagemeaningfully) is different from language learning (consciously learning or discovering rules about a language) and language acquisition is the only way competence in a second language occurs. (Theacquisition/learning hypothesis)
* Conscious learning operates only as a monitor or editor that checks or repairs the output of what has been acquired. (The monitor hypothesis)
* Grammaticalstructures are acquired in a predictable order and it does little good to try to learn them in another order.(The natural order hypothesis).
* People acquire language best from messages that are justslightly beyond their current competence. (The input hypothesis)
* The learner's emotional state can act as a filter that impedes or blocks input necessary to acquisition. (The affective filterhypothesis)


Krashen and Terrell 1983 for more details.


Here are some of the objectives of the Natural Approach

* it is designed to helpbeginner become intermediates
* It is designed to depend on learner needs

The syllabus

The syllabus for the Natural Approach is a communicative syllabus.

Types of learningtechniques and activities

* Comprehensible input is presented in the target language, using technqiues such as TPR, mime and gesture.
* Group techniques are similar to Communicative...
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