No Lo Leas

Páginas: 5 (1166 palabras) Publicado: 6 de diciembre de 2012
• Conquistadors: Spanish soldiers that went to America looking for gold.
• People in America did`nt have the defenses against the diseases in Europe. Spanish sailed in boats filled of infectation and when they reached America many Indians died because they did not posses immunity against this. (Smallpox)
• Columbian Exchange: From America to Europe, they tradedgoods such as potatoes, corn, silver, humans, ideas.
• Hernan Cortes: Came to America with 500 ships and 11000 people.
• (In that time Spain, U.K, Portugal and France wanted to have all the power so they all sent soldiers to the Americas.) British settled on the East coast of USA (Massachusetts) but plenty died from the cold. The Indians did not want to lose any more land so they made severalpeace pacts called treatries.
• Pilgrims: (British wanted to escape from religious inquisition so families come to America) Had 2 groups.
1. Separatists: Were people that wanted to be apart from any other religion (wanted to be separated).
2. Quakers: Were a protestant group that believed in peace. (Pennsylvania)
• Confederation: Ashanti was a confederation formed by several states under a samegovernment. (They lived in huts together, with extended family)
• Middle Passage: The ride from Africa to America (no food, no nice, no clean)
• Triangular Trade: A system in which Europeans sent cloth and horses to Africa, Africa sent slaves and gold to America and America sent sugar, cotton, silver to Europe.
• Plantations: Large farms were slaves worked. (Tobacco, sugar)
• Janissaries: (TheOttoman empire was Muslim) The Christian slaves of this empire were made into an army, it became an elite army that had so much power it even threatened the government.
• Diff. and similarities between Ottoman Empire and Safavid Empire: They governed in different times and Safavid had the Persian rugs. They were both Muslims (Islam) and they both wanted to conquer Africa.
• Forbidden City:(Beijing) Sacred palace of the Chinese emperor.
• Isolatism: (Japan) Is a nation’s plan to avoid getting involved in the decisions, agreements, or problems of other nations.

• Date: 1775
• Reasons:
1. The British wanted the colonists to pay part of what was lost in the war.
2. They didn’t like or be taxed without representation
3. They had to quarter the Britishsoldiers.
4. They could only buy British tea
5. The British attacked Lexington and concord.
• Consequences:
1. The declaration of independence in 1776.
2. The British and the colonists fought several battles.
• Peace:
1. Colonists defeated the British.
2. Constitution 1789.
3. U.S was born.
4. U.S and Britain signed a pact of peace.
5. 1789 Gorge Washing became the 1st president.

•Ended in 1787

• Date: 1789
• Reasons:
1. Taxes were not fair for poor people.
2. Only nobles & church leaders’ laws were approved.
3. The assembly was formed to demand equal vote for all 3 states.
• Consequences
1. The Bastille was attacked & destroyed.
2. The National Assembly passed new laws, took the king and sold the churches’ lands to raise money.
3. Louis XVItriad to escape, was sent to trail found guilty and killed.
4. Those who started the “reign of terror” were guillotined (as the king)
• Peace:
1. In 1975 a new group voted in France and ended the “Reign of Terror”, thus the revolution ended as well.
2. Napoleon tried to conquer the world but was finally defeated in the battle of Waterloo in 1815

• Ended: 1795
• Date: 1810• Reasons:
1. Wanted to return the Native Americans their lands.
2. Slavery.
3. Creoles demanded to be in the government.
• Social Classes:
1. Peninsulares: Spanish
2. Creoles: Spanish born in America.
3. Mestizos: Spanish and Native Americans.
4. Mulates: Spanish and Africans
5. Native Americans and Africans.

• Ended: 1821

• At first Americans took the...
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