
Páginas: 7 (1556 palabras) Publicado: 8 de diciembre de 2010






La depresión suele asociarse a síntomas diversos como tristeza, nostalgia, melancolía, apatía y hasta dolor moral. También puede estar acompañada de un continuo pesimismo y de pérdida de la autoestima y, aveces, también por un estado de ansiedad.
Los síntomas
Según la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría, una persona puede diagnosticarse como depresiva si presenta al menos 5 de los 8 síntomas siguientes:
- mucho o poco apetito con aumento o pérdida de peso
- insomnio o hipersomnio
- hiperactividad física o apatía
- incapacidad de experimentar placer social o sexual
- bajada de energía; debilidad- tristeza profunda, falta de autoestima o sentido de culpa inmotivado
- dificultad de concentración o reflexión
- deseos de morir

Hoy en día prevalece la idea de que la depresión es una alteración bioquímica que afecta a los neurotrasmisores de las células. Esta teoría se contrapone a la que le daba una causa exclusivamente psicológica, según la cual la depresión venía como consecuencia deuna agresividad reprimida, por la pérdida de algún ser querido o de otros problemas más complejos de comportamiento.
Cutting down or avoiding potential food 'stressors'
The strategies found to be helpful were:
Cutting down on sugar (80%, n = 132)
Cutting down on caffeine (79%, n = 131)
Cutting down on alcohol (55%, n = 91)
Cutting down on chocolate (53%, n = 88)
Cutting down onwheat-containing foods (48%, n = 79)
Cutting down on additives (47%, n = 77)
Cutting down on dairy (44%, n = 72)
Cutting down on saturated fats (39%, n = 64)
• The two self-help strategies most frequently found to be beneficial (i.e. 'helpful' or 'very helpful' to emotional or mental health) were cutting down on sugar (80%, n = 132) and cutting down on caffeine (79%, n = 131).

Increasingpotential food 'supporters'
The strategies found to be helpful were:
Drinking more water (80%, n = 132)
Eating more vegetables (78%, n = 129)
Eating more fruit (72%, n = 119)
Eating more oil rich fish (52%, n = 86)
Eating more nuts and seeds (51%, n = 85)
Eating more 'brown' (wholegrain) food (50%, n = 82)
Eating more fibre (48%, n = 80)
Eating more protein (41%, n = 67)
Eating moreorganic food (36%, n = 59)
• The most frequently reported beneficial self-help strategy in this section was drinking more water. This was found to be 'helpful' or 'very helpful' by 132 people (80%). Eating more vegetables (78%) and eating more fruit (72%) were also frequently reported as beneficial.

Making changes to eating habits
The strategies found to be helpful were:
Eatingregular meals and snacks (67%, n = 110)
Being prepared - carrying snacks (56%, n = 93)
Eating breakfast (55%, n = 90)
Planning meals in advance (42%, n = 69)
• Eating regular meals and snacks was found to be 'helpful' or very helpful' for improving emotional or mental health by 110 (67%) of the survey participants actively using dietary and nutritional self-help.

• Boost your alertnesswith protein. Protein foods are broken down into their amino acid building blocks during digestion. One amino acid, called tyrosine, will increase the production of dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine. These neurotransmitters are known for their ability to increase levels of alertness and energy. No one eats pure tyrosine, but eating foods high in protein will give you a slight mental boost.High protein foods include fish, poultry, meat, and eggs. If you can't eat those, try high protein foods that also contain significant amount of carbohydrates, such as legumes, cheese, milk, or tofu.

• For relaxation and anti-stress, eat carbohydrates.Once in the brain, the tryptophan is converted to serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that has the effect of reducing pain,...
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