Obra De Teatro Ingles

Páginas: 2 (334 palabras) Publicado: 10 de enero de 2013
El criado aparece en escena, con su brazo rompe el vidrio de la ventana y con su abrazo alcanza la perilla y abre la puerta, solo una leve luz entra por la ventana.

Primer acto
Elvia:Pass sir, stop getting wet.
Lord: Hell! I'm all wet
Elvia Lord are we going to get in trouble for coming?
Lord: Do not worry dear friend, tomorrow will explain to the owner.
Look atthose pictures!

The Lord is fast approaching to see the paintings that are on the wall.

Elvia: You know I do not understand these things and I'm afraid this house.
Lord Elvia notworry, nothing happens.
Elvia nods and leaves the stage.
Lord: That beautiful paintings.
(The Lord looks at her and sees an apparition portrait of a beautiful woman, he approaches.)
Lord:Oh, beautiful woman who are you? Humm, what does it say here? Will your name beautiful woman?
El señor mira a su lado y ve como si fuera una aparición el retrato de una bella mujer, él seacerca.

Painter (breayam): My love, we spent the morning together, it's time to get back to my paintings.
Monse: I am jealous of your brushes, it seems that you love them morethan me.
Painter (breayam): No dear, I love you
The young painter and hug and kiss.
Lord (Narrating): monse hated nothing more than art, it was his rival,
Painter (breayam): My love,I'd make a picture
Monse (Scared): Me? No, I think not.
Painter (breayam): Please dear,
monse: I can not deny you anything dear,
(The painter gets up and leaves the stage running.)Tercer acto
Painter (breayam): Close your eyes dear,
Monse: I'll stay asleep, if you take too long.
Painter (breayam): this will be quick.
Painter: I'm finishing darling, beautiful.

Thepainter came slowly to his beloved and slightly shook her to wake her up but tumbled down on the couch.

(Lord (Narrating): "In the end the painting had drained the soul, she was dead.")
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  • Obra de teatro

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