Ola K Ase

Páginas: 2 (472 palabras) Publicado: 11 de febrero de 2013
The Cáncer.
Good then I'll talk about a disease that many know and that misfortune to colleague or family he lives, and in my case it wasmy grandmothers who laze in peace.
Is a disease that if detected early, can be controlled and even ending it, but otherwise it leads to death.
Can say that the cancer as well as other diseases issilent, because many of its symptoms are not seen until the cancer is already in an advanced stage.
Now you talk a little more in depth of this disease:
What is all cancer malignancy and abnormal celldisorder, which have the feature to invade adjacent tissues.
Cancer tissue growth is caused by the continuous proliferation of abnormal cells capable of invasion and destruction of other tissues.Noteworthy that cancer is not a contagious disease. This can occur for certain types of genetic alterations that a here talk a little about them:
a. Inheritance: an estimated 5% to 10% of cancersare hereditary.
b. Chemicals: tar (substance aggregate the cigar) it and its derivatives are considered highly carcinogenic. The arsenic, nicotine and other substances just do enormous damage toour health.
c. Radiation: radiation produced DNA changes so this time begins after alterations that turn into cancer.
d. Virus: some infections can cause cancer but not yet proven. this diseaseaffects not only the body infected, but also to any family member or acquaintance, and that so many things happen with the affected, it hurts to see him suffer when the disease affection to theperson.
Taking Care Cancer can be prevented and a healthy lifestyle by exercising, not smoking, not drinking alcohol... in order not excessive.
50% of cancers are curable if diagnosed early.
should go tothe doctor every three months for caution and human health.
There are different ways by which cancer can be curable, such as chemotherapy or cancer treatments.
to conclude I can say that your...
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