Opinion Essay

Páginas: 2 (275 palabras) Publicado: 5 de marzo de 2013
For many years, it is illegal to download music from internet or other things like movies ... However, although we don’t look so serious, it is. Becauseif you stop to think for a second, the artists who created the songs, sold the disks to have some benefit and continue his recording career, and if wedownloaded the music from the Internet, they will not have any benefit.
First of all, as we have said before, internet download music hurts artists, becauseif no one buys their records not in any way will collect any money. One reason is because today, the discs are very expensive, and every CD’s round about20 Euros or more, and that is why downloading music from the Internet becomes a more convenient and economical task that not having to buy.
Secondly,even if it's illegal downloading of music, for us is a very simple, easy to use and it is within our reach. You just have to put the site indicated in theInternet browser and type in the artist or song, and ready! This is one of the major drawbacks of the outlawing of the downloading of music.
As we haveseen, unfortunately most people prefer to download music online to buy the original disks, and like most other cases many people don’t know that is illegal,and people who know this, continue to downloading music. Therefore, though people know its illegal, continue getting off music, thinking they don’t harmanyone. And that is why, the best thing they could do to stop this, would impose fines in order to make people see the seriousness of the problem.
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