Panama Canal

Páginas: 4 (878 palabras) Publicado: 30 de julio de 2012
Panama Canal

Walter LaFeber was born on August 30, 1933 in Walkerton, Indiana. He is one of the United States most distinguished historians, a revisionist, of the nation's Foreign Relations.In 1955 he received his BA from Hanover College, in 1956 his MA from Stanford University and in 1959 his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. Through all his life he has being the author of manybooks, including Inevitable Revolution, The New Empire, as well as America, Russia, and the Cold War, 1945-1989, and The American Age.

The United States had been interested in the canal sincethe middle of the 19th century and it was only a matter of time until the United States or some power was going to build a canal across the isthmus in Central America. The real question was whether itwould go across Panama or whether it would go across Nicaragua.

Nicaragua seems like the best place to build the Canal because of the lakes that were already there ready to take ships. Andin 1903, the United States did move towards Nicaragua, but then there was a volcanic explosion in Nicaragua and the people who had an interest in building the canal in Panama took advantage of this toconvince the United States Senate that Nicaragua was much too dangerous a place to build a canal.

The people who did this were people from New Panama Canal Company. They tried so hard toconvince the U.S because there was about $40 million in it for them if they could get the canal built through Panama. The United States would have to buy the rights for that canal from this Panama CanalCompany. Roosevelt was willing to go along with anything where he could get a canal built and built as rapidly as possible. And so in 1903 he ordered his Secretary of State, John Hay, to make a treatywith Colombia, which owned Panama. Panama was a province of Colombia.

The Hay-Heran Treaty of 1903 was the treaty that was to give the United States the rights to build a canal in Panama....
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