Partes Y Herramientas

Páginas: 4 (979 palabras) Publicado: 14 de octubre de 2012
herramientaMech-Tech College
Parque Industrial Oeste calle B #39-40,
Caguas, PR 00725

Parts & Tools

Benjamín J. Figueroa
Prof: V. Coris

[English to Spanish]1) cylinder block = bloque de cilindros
2) cylinder head = culata de cilindros
3) crankshaft = eje de cigüeñal
4) connecting rod = biela
5) piston = embolo; pistón
6)piston rings = anillas del embolo; aros del pistón
7) liner = camisa; camisilla
8) cam shaft = eje de levas; árbol de levas
9) flywheel = volanta
10) fuel pump = bomba de combustible11) oil pan = cubeta de aceite; tapa del “crank”
12) gear = embrague; piñón
13) timing chain = cadena de distribución; cadena de tiempo
14) water pump = bomba de agua
15)bearings = cojinetes
16) gaskets = juntas
17) thermostat = termostato
18) Intake valve = válvula de admisión
19) exhaust valve = válvula de escape
20) ratchet = chicharra
21)socket handle = mango de copas
22) socket = copa
23) combination wrench = llave combinada
24) open-end wrench = llave fija
25) box-end wrench = llave de estrías

Definition1) The cylinder block also known as the engine block forms the main body of the engine. Other parts bolt or fit inside this block.
2) The cylinder head bolts to the deck (top) of the cylinderblock. It forms a combustion chamber and holds the valve mechanism.
3) The crankshaft harnesses the tremendous force produced by the downward thrust of the pistons. It also transforms the verticalmotions of the piston into a rotating motion.
4) The connecting rod fastens the piston to the crank shaft; it transfers the motion from piston to connecting rod and vice versa.
5) The engine’spiston transfers the pressure of combustion to the connecting rod and crankshaft.
6) The piston rings seal the clearance between the outside of the piston and the cylinder wall. They must keep...
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