Plan de accion medidas de prevention y control en vih

Páginas: 3 (664 palabras) Publicado: 22 de septiembre de 2010

|Category |A: Problems in your country or organization |B: Backgrounds that cause the problems |C: Measures taken in Japan |D:Proposal to your country |
|Prevention and Control Measures |sexual workers and homosexuals are short of |Government and relevant institutions are scanty of |The work of propaganda of| Education for HIV/AIDS |
|of HIV/AIDS |adequate awareness and how to block the spread of |sufficient publicity |HIV/AIDS knowledgein public is|should be taken from junior |
| |AIDS knowledge | |beingdone well in Japan. |high school. |
|Clinical and Laboratory | Many AIDS treatment institutions lack the test |PCR instruments and reagents need to upgrade|The machines for HIV-RNA | Upgrad the machine as soon |
|Diagnosis of HIV/AIDS |items of HIVRNA ||quantity test were equipped in |as possible in some important|
| | ||every institute and medical |hospitals in every city of |
| | ||department in Japan |China. |
|Treatment of HIV/AIDS |Lack of sufficient number of treatment of AIDS |Drug's patentperiod | AZT and ddI were created in | In some important |
| |drugs cheaper |...
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