Political Freedom

Páginas: 2 (434 palabras) Publicado: 28 de noviembre de 2012

“Political Freedom In Mexico”


We choose political freedom, because we think is a controversial topic here in México, especially because inMexico, we don’t have political freedom is very difficult to talk about political issues, we don’t have the freedom of tell what we really think about the political, and even you would be alwaysfighting about the differents opinions about the many topics in México.

In contrast to the many breakdowns in political systems that have been witnessed in Latin America in thelast century, Mexico as a presidential federal republic actually has are markably stable system. From 1929, when the Mexican Revolution became institutionalized, until the year 2000 the country wasruled for 71 years under a one party system by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (Partido Revolucionario Institucional,
PRI). With the collapse of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union the PRIbecame the longest-ruling party in the world.

During its time in power every Mexican president, most of the members of the chamber of deputies, most of the senators and nearly all governors and headsof the administrative areas known as ‘municipios’ were drawn from the party’s ranks. Although the system was generally accepted as being constitutional and all sectors of society were officiallyintegrated, the PRI government was basically manipulative and corrupt and a long way from being a true democracy. “Subordinate groups had little independent voice, and when softer means of control failed tokeep political opposition within bounds, electoral fraud and coercion always stood in reserve.”

it wasn’t until 1997 that the PRI lost its majority in the Mexico’s political system aspluralistic. Chamber of deputies and eventually, in 2000,
the presidency. The centre-right PAN won the election and appointed Vicente Fox Quesada as president. Since 2006 Felipe Calderón
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