Porgrama Paraca

Páginas: 7 (1550 palabras) Publicado: 18 de enero de 2013
6:45 a.m. We started way to Paracas
7:45 a.m. We embarked on sliders toward the chandelier, impressive figure to the skirts Peninsula of Paracas; continue up to the Ballestas Islands is here that we will find a great variety of sea birds, Humboldt penguins etc. Sea lions and impressive rock formations.
10:00 am. Arrival at the port, take sometime to do some shopping a walk on the boulevard, beaches.
11:00 am. We headed to the National Reserve of Paracas seeing in her beautiful beaches, and a capricious geography where we will appreciate beautiful cliffs carved by the wind, overlooking the living interpretation of the RNP. You can view or pariguana flamingos, birds of red and white that inspired Don Jose de San Martin to the colors ofthe Peruvian flag.
We talk in Cerro Colorado about the findings of the graves of men Paracas ,textiles, cranial trepanation, deformation, etc.. Not be possible to enter the museum site for being in restoration.
02:00 pm. Lunch will be at Paracas beachfront in a tourist restaurant.
03:00 pm. Return to Ica
04:00 pm. Arrival in IcaPARACAS RESERVE
The Paracas National Reserve is a protected area in Peru located in the province of Pisco, Peru. It was declared as such on 25 September 1975. Created with the aim of preserving a portion of the sea and the desert of Peru, giving protection to various species of wildlife that live there.
Keep a representative sample of marine sea cold Peruvian Current or HumboldtCurrent, considered by experts as the most productive land, while maintaining environments used by a wide variety of migratory species for food and shelter during their long voyages annually.
UBICACIÓN.-is located in one of the most desert coast of Peru, in the department of Ica, and has an area of 335,000 ha, about 200,000 in the Pacific Ocean. The Paracas Peninsula is located in an exceptionallyrich marine area, where outcrops in extremely cold waters produce an abundance of plankton that feeds on fish, crustaceans and molluscs.
Climate.-The climate is typical of the subtropical desert formation, there is approximately a difference of 6-8 ° C in the average temperature of the hottest month and the coldest.
With a mild climate and an annual average of 22 degrees Celsius and sun almostconstantly, with low humidity, the room is nice.
located northwest of the Bay of Paracas is a geoglyph (channels or lines engraved in rock) that has an extension of 120 meters, which is also called Tres Cruces or Trident. The chandelier is engraved cream-colored rock, but mostly covered with sand. The sand is never completely erase the chandelier because the winds are alwaysremoving excess sand channels.
It is believed that the Paracas chandelier relates to the lines and geoglyphs of Nasca and Pampas de Jumana. The best way to appreciate this is from the sea geoglifo and tours to the Ballestas Islands and always spend a few minutes to stop tourists to take their pictures.
Ballestas Islands. - Is a group of small islands near the city of Pisco, in Peru, are composed ofrock formations where there is an important marine fauna.
The reserve has FAUNA.-enabling environments in coastal conservation and quiet playback of numerous species of resident and migratory birds.
Among the most commonly found are the pelicans, seagulls gray., Tendril scorer guanay, the condor, the Humboldt penguin (endangered) and parihuanas or flamingos, among other species.
The fish foundin this sea area are: sole, white toyo, bonito, tramboyo, skate, cheetah, sardine, anchovy, butterfish, halibut, sea bass, lorna and many other species.
Mammals in this reserve are represented mainly by sea lions of a hair or comical, the fur seal or fur, the dolphin and sea cat, it, in danger of extinction.
Also the book is filled with green and leatherback turtles, reptiles such as lizards,...
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