Present Perfect

Páginas: 2 (354 palabras) Publicado: 15 de diciembre de 2012
Present Perfect

I. - Complete sentences.

1) Karen ________________________________me an e-mail. (to send)
2) Dave and Pat ___________________________the museum. (to visit)
3) I____________________________________at the pet shop. (to be)
4) They already ________________________their rucksacks. (to pack)
5) Marcus _______________________________an accident. (to have)
6) We__________________the shopping for our grandmother. (to do)
7) I just ___________________________________my bike. (to clean)
8) Emily __________________________________her room. (to paint)9) Lisa and Colin ___________________________to a concert. (to go)
10) My friends _____________________________smoking. (to give up)

II. - Write the following sentences in the negativeform of the present

1. The children ______________________ questions. (not/to ask)
2. Nick _____________________________to the gym. (not/to go)
3.I________________________________ the door. (not/to open)
4. He __________________________________jokes. (not/to tell)
5. The baby______________________________ now. (not/to cry)
6. We________________________ the farm. (not/to visit)
7. They _________________the phone. (not/to answer)
8. Gerry, Joe and Boris ________________hamburgers. (not/to eat)
9. My teacher_____________________ the bus. (not/to wait)
10. The rabbit _____________________over the fence. (not/to climb)

III. - Look at the picture and write what they are doing using theverbs from the
box on the next page. There is four verbs that is not used.

2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
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  • presente perfecto
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  • Present Perfect
  • Present perfect
  • Present Perfect
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas