Preventing animal abuse
Visual Analysis
Final Draft
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Each day, thousands of innocent animals die for different reasons. Many of them lack a warm place to sleep, cannot find enough food to survive, or the naturalenvironment where they live is not adequate for them. Unfortunately these reasons are uncontrollable and therefore impossible to prevent, but there are others created by humans that are even worse and still some of us do not care about it. There are many different ways animals’ rights are being violated, these include: animal testing, cruelty, violence, and abandonment. Even though we cannot givefood and shelter to every single animal around the world, we could prevent animal abuse by punishing those companies which are found guilty.
Furthermore, scientists are constantly researching in order to find new cures to viruses. These researches include animals which are used to test new medicaments and substances created by humans causing the death of more innocent creatures. Animal testing isdone with the purpose to prevent and cure diseases, hence decreasing the death rate around the world using animals by applying them high lethal doses of new medicaments or substances that may result as new cures but sometimes they may not. These experimental substances are forced into the bodies of rabbits, dogs, cats, rats, monkeys and other species. Many methods used in animal testing include:injecting them under the skin, into their veins, their eyes, rectum or they are forced to inhale it using gas masks.
After the use of these cruel techniques, some animals only survive around two to three weeks after suffering convulsions, skin eruptions, and lots of more secondary reactions. Similarly, not only scientists use animals for testing new medicaments or vaccines, someother companies use them to test new products using chemicals. Animals are killed so consumers can
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wear makeup, perfumes of hair products for vanity purposes while those innocent animals without knowing what is happening, die for no reason. This iswhy people should buy products that are not tested in animals and that way companies will stop killing innocent animals. Besides they could pay people who can volunteer to test these chemicals on them.
After researching the many ways animals are being abused I found different websites which have created foundations against animal abuse. One of these include the Animal Legal DefenseFund . As soon as I visited the website the home page immediately grabbed my attention by its motto, which is “Winning the Case Against Cruelty”. Next to it there was a picture of an innocent and unprotected animal that caught my attention at the first look and thereupon I felt a strong feeling that made me support their goal. The site also highlights other important issues that are puttinganimals’ life in danger.
The layout of this website makes it really interesting for the website visitor. It is eye-catching and it makes the reader want to know more about animal torture, and in what ways companies are violating animal rights. Besides you can see lots of images depicting animals that are asking for help. Together with the camera techniques used in almost all photosthe sites grabs your attention instantly as well as the close-ups used to focus one character or a facial expression. On the other hand, it is important to mention how the overall site is improved with the use of pathos, which is an emotional communication technique that makes the audience identify with the writer’s point and that way feel the animals’ pain. The creators of this website appeal to...
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