Profundizacion Hipnotica

Páginas: 3 (658 palabras) Publicado: 7 de octubre de 2012
Leidecker Institute 847-844-1933
Deepening Techniques
1. Deepening by Realization
2. Deepening by Pyramiding of Suggestions
3. Deepening by Post-hypnotic Suggestion
4.Deepening by Repeated Induction
5. Counting Methods
6. Feedback Methods
1. Deepening by Realization
In many instances of a subject’s first-time induction, the subject may not believe
they arehypnotized. The use of the level one eye-stuck test serves as a convincer
for them, realizing to their surprise that they cannot open their eyes. Upon
encouraging them that they’re doing well, you can thenadd “now relax and go
deeper.” You can achieve the same effect when a subject realizes that they cannot
lower their arm in the level two test, or lose tract of their numbers in the level
2. Pyramiding of Suggestions
Combine the utilization of pyramiding with the subject’s realization they are, in
fact, experiencing hypnosis by suggestions such as, “On the count of three, yourarm will go completely limp and fall loosely at your side.” The experiencing of
this just after having the experience of having their arm made stiff and rigid, will
serve to impress them even more,convincing them further that they are becoming
hypnotized. Impressing the client with another surprise right after the realization
that “something is happening,” will serve to deepen them. However,it’s important
that you don’t use a demonstration that reaches beyond their immediate depth of
trance. You want to be sure that you stop just short of failure. Otherwise you will
have the effect ofproving they are not as deep as you would like.
3. Post-hypnotic Suggestion
A simple and frequently used method is to give the subject a suggestion telling
them, just before awakening, that thenext time you hypnotize them, they will
enjoy it more, go deeper more quickly and more easily. This suggestion can be
effective when you are re-hypnotizing the subject the same day, next day, several...
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