Programacion Didactica

Páginas: 63 (15691 palabras) Publicado: 3 de octubre de 2011
Programación Didáctica


Nivel 5º de Primaria

Tribunal número...............

1. Programming justification.
Programming answers an attempt to rationalize teaching practice with the aim that teaching should not be carried out in an arbitrary way but rather as a plan.
The design of the programming cannot be understood as a mechanicalmatter, a mere technique or a concrete formula.
For Gimeno y Pérez (1989), «…understanding programming as an intermediary step or link between teaching theory or curriculum, teaching practice means discovering the complexity of this mechanism. The design is not a well-defined dexterity and teachers must learn how to carry it out in a mechanical way. It requires formulating an entire theory to thecurriculum from the principles or fundamentalities of action to specific practice».
Programming depends on the concepts one has about teaching and more specifically about the curriculum. Thus, the curricular model will have a decisive influence on the focus and the design of the program.
The need to carry out a teaching program that standardizes the teaching-learning process is justified byvery diverse reasons:
− It helps to eliminate chance and improvisation, which does not mean that everything is closed or predetermined.
− It systematizes, orders and specifies the process stated in the educational project and curricular program, with enough flexibility to leave space for creativity.
− It enables to adapt teaching work to cultural and environmental characteristics of the context.The reasons that justify an interest in planning can be summed up in:
− The complexity of teaching-learning processes.
− Intentionality of educational action.
− Training and professionalization of teachers.
Organic Law 10/2002, of the 23rd of December relative to Educational Quality (L.O.C.E.), in its article 68.7 defines the Didactic Programs as the specific instruments for curricularplanning for each one of the areas, subjects or modules.
A Didactic Programming must include the following elements:
– Objectives.
– Contents.
– Methodology
– Assessment criteria.
– Attention to specific needs.

The following program is centered on Primary Education and more specifically, on 5th grade (5º de Primaria).

2. Characteristics of Primary Education.
Spanish Primary Educationcomprises six academic years, from 6 to 12 years of age and is organized into three cycles of two years each. It is compulsory and free, and along with Compulsory Secondary Education comprises the period of basic and compulsory education.
The main purpose of Primary Education is to provide children with a basic education enabling them to acquire basic cultural knowledge and skills related to oralexpression, reading, writing and arithmetic, as well as a gradual independence of behaviour in their environment.
General objectives at this level can be seen as the skills to be developed by the students. When finishing this level, children should have acquired some skills related to communication, logical thinking, understanding and appreciating their social and natural environment. They areexpected to be able to use the Spanish language, and where it is required, the official language of the Autonomous Community as well as other means of representation and artistic expression. They should be able to understand and express simple messages in a foreign language and to carry out simple arithmetical operations, as well as to understand and follow elementary logic procedures. They have toacquire the skills that will enable them to carry out their day-to-day activities independently from their family and social environment and to understand the fundamental features of their physical, social and cultural environment. They should likewise learn bodily health and hygiene, as well as the conservation of nature and the environment. They also have to learn to use physical education...
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