
Páginas: 2 (280 palabras) Publicado: 7 de septiembre de 2011
The various approaches to psychology eventually evolved into five major theoretical perspectives, which now predominate. The biological perspective focuses on howbodily events affect behavior, feelings, and thoughts.The parts that have effect on this is the brain, genes, evolution, and hormones. All this help psychologists todescribe, explain, predict, and change human behavior.

For example an important event of a girl is the first menstrual cycle, but each time the girl suffers because herback, and the stomach hurts. With this perspective psychologists can determine that hormones had a big role on this changes, and sometimes it can be the cause of themenstrual cycle. Later one psychologists can predict and describe the behavior of the girl.
The Phineas Gage story is an example of how personality changes after theaccident. Parts of the brain control different aspects of who you are. A way to check what´s going in your brain and study it is with the use of the Cat Scan, Pet Scan,MRI, and functional MRI. With the technology we have in this days we are able to detect any anormal thing in your brain that is causing you sickness or pain like a tumor.The biological perspective differs and I considered it the opposite of the cognitive perspective. Many people ask why? Well in the Biological Perspective you knowwhy hormones act the way they act, and also the genes, and evolution process, and you can test them and have evidence of the things you are telling are correct. Whilein the cognitive perspective you cannot know why things happen that way. Pyschologists in the cognitive perspective practice their craft by reasoning and surveys.
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