Recetarios en ingles

Páginas: 9 (2180 palabras) Publicado: 13 de febrero de 2012


1 kilo of shrimp peeled cucumber
Chopped onion
Chopped cilantro
Chopped green chiles
2 cups seedless lemon juice


1.- First peel and devein the shrimp break them in half, rinse and drain well, put in a pan and add 1 cup of lemon juice. (try the lemon juice to cover the shrimp)
2.- Then wait 10 minutes.

3.- Drainand add salt and pepper, chopped cucumber, 2 tablespoons cilantro, chopped onion.

4.- Then liquefy chopped chile, 2 tablespoons cucumber, 1 tablespoon cilantro, a cup of lemon juice and salt. add the sauce to shrimp,
5.- Finally mix and serve over toast or tortilla chips.

Shrimp the butter

1 kilo of shrimp
2 cloves of garlic
2tablespoons butter
1 medium onion
Hot Sauce

1.- First peel the shrimp, deveined and roll in hot water. After draining.
2.- Then in a hot pan, melt the butter and fry the chopped garlic.
3.- The iguente is to add the shrimp and they have a pink color, add the sliced ​​onion into wedges medium.
4.- Finally, season with hot sauce to taste.Shrimp rancheros


Peeled shrimp
Party diced tomatoes
Chopped onion
Chile Serrano
Seasoning (Knorr Suiza)


1.- First you put the shrimp in a pan with butter and add the pepper, and stir fries for about 5 minutes.

2.- After you add the tomato, onion and chile, stir and let fry a bit more, then addsome water to make broth and add the knorr.

3.- Swiss to hold flavor and a little oregano, let boil a little and ready.



Minced meat: half of pork and half of cow or veal.
I ruffle.
Mature tomatoes.
Salt and pepper (to the taste).
A nail of smell.
Olive oil.
White wine.
Half a glass of milk.
A pinch of nut moscada.
Flour.Parmesan cheese.


1.- First he becomes the slightly fried one of onion and tomato by that of the garlic and they put on both bad meats simultaneously, when the tomato already is average fried and the meats on the verge of be gilding one throws the wine and is left to reduce everything, everything, everything until almost only meat stays and a bit of juice.

2.- Next when thisprepared one is ready a medium bechamel is prepared and there is mixed the half of this bechamel by the hash of meat.

3.- The leaves are boiled of lasaña in abundant water by a lot of salt.

4.- Later one arranges at the back of a tray a cap of sheets of pasta. Then it puts as half a centimeter of this sauce, covers again with another sheet of pasta, gelds other one of sauce, other one of pasta,other one of sauce and other one of pasta.

5.- Once arranged in the tray it puts on the rest of the bechamel above the Parmesan one, and it puts to. Already it is. Good appetite.

Spaguetti with Shrimp

1 package of spaghetti
1/2 k of shrimp of merchandise
1 liter of cream
1/2 k of cheese
Chiles chipotles to the taste
2 tins of tuna
Go out andpepper to the taste
1 piece of butter
1/2 of onion

1.- First self puts to cook spaguetti with salt and onion
2.- Then self slips and it is fried with butter.
3-Self adds the cream to him and salt to the taste and is let rest.
4-While in another frying pan the shrimps with butter and the pepper put themselves.
5-in normal mud plates or a layer of spaguetti is addedpreparation, already followed of a reasonable layer of shrimps and a little tuna and finally a cheese layer and repeats the same, until the amount wished in the plate, the cheese must be in completes layer.
6-Self puts in anyone of the furnace that is selected and gratine is left until the cheese.
7-Leave the ready furnace to eat.

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