Redacción de inglés sobre el tabaco

Páginas: 2 (283 palabras) Publicado: 29 de enero de 2011
Marc Mansilla

Point of view 1.

The National Public Health Service warns you: Smoking kills, a forceful and direct message indeed. Should we believe inwhat they say? Probably yes.
According to the latest data given by this organization every year in Spain 45.000 people die by smoking, 18.000 of them becauseof lung cancer; and, in the world, every year another 4 million people die of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Also I've read that only 50% ofsmokers will live over 70 years old if they started smoking at a young age. Bad news indeed. What’s more, an average smoker gives approximately 100.000€ tothe State during his 80 years lifetime if he smokes 1 pack of tobacco a day. It means that taking into account that 50% of smokers need medical treatment, theNPHS spends 15% of money on medical treatments for smokers, which is over 15 millions. So if we are, according to some mathematicians from the UPV and UV,33.1% of the entire population, we smokers are giving approximately 7.700 millions even so we need over double for our smoking treatments. Bad data again for theState.
I gave all this data to let you know that smokers are trying hard to stop smoking, and that, at the moment, we are a real problem causing a certaindeficit that needs to be fixed. In the near future all this data will decrease but, we’re talking about tobacco here, we will get bad result anyway. I woulddeclare illegal this substance, but, since it's legal, I can't think of denying medical attention to all those people which have been poisoned by the State.
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