Páginas: 3 (578 palabras) Publicado: 11 de diciembre de 2013
It was a cold winter morning when suddenly it started to snow. I was walking around the forest close to my house because my father had sent me to gather some pieces of wood to light the fire. I hadwalked about half an hour and i had already the firewood so i went home. At the beginning I knew the way back home because i could see the footprints in the snow but it started to snow so much that icouldn´t see anything and i got lost in the forest. My mobile phone didn´t work because there wasn´t coverage so I walked and walked for hours but i could not find the way home. I was very cold,absolutely freezing, and i thought I was going to die. Fortunately I found a small cave and I decided to take refuge in it. As I had a lighter in my pocket, I lighted a fire with the wood I had gathered.I was slowly warming me up but since I woke up I had not eaten anything and I was starving. Then I remembered that I had a chocolate bar in my backpack and I ate it.
Suddenly, while I was eatingit, I heard a strange noise which came of the cave entrance and a giant shadow which had the appearance of a huge wolf appeared on the wall. I closed my eyes and I started to scream. The monsterlunged over but it began to lick my face. It was my little dog Thor which had come to rescue me with my father. When I saw my father I ran to hug him. He told me that he had been very brave, but I hadnever been so scared in my life as that afternoon.

Era una fría mañana de invierno, cuando de repente empezó a nevar . Yo estaba caminando por el bosque cerca de mi casa porque mi padre me habíaenviado a recoger algunas piezas de madera para encender el fuego . Había caminado alrededor de media hora y ya tenía la leña , así que me fui a casa . Al principio yo conocía el camino de regreso a casaporque pudía ver las huellas en la nieve pero empezó a nevar tanto que no podía ver nada y me perdí en el bosque. Mi teléfono móvil no funcionaba porque no había cobertura así que caminé y caminé...
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