Relative Clouses

Páginas: 3 (699 palabras) Publicado: 3 de noviembre de 2012
| 2012 |
| Instituto San GerardoKevin arias muñoz |

[Relative Clauses] |

This work will help us better understand what are the relative closes properly will also help to unitethe prayers and have better knowledge when writing.

Las Oraciones de Relativo

who / that refer to people | They caught the man who / thatspied for China. |
which / that refer to objects | I lost the map which / that she gave me. |
whose refers to possession | She complained to the man whose dog bit her. |
when refers to a momentin time | Christmas Day is a day when people are happy. |
where refers to a particular place | We visited the house where our father was born. |
In non-defining sentences, the word that cannotreplace who or which. | Mata Hari, who was a famous female spy, was born in Holland. |
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Buckingham Palace, which is in London, is a favourite tourist site.

Las oracionesde relativo van introducidas por un pronombre o un adverbio relativo:
who, which, that, whose, when, where.

oración principal oración subordinada de relativo

They caught the man

who / thatspied for China.

I lost the map

which / that she gave me.

She complained to the man

whose dog bit her.

Hay dos tipos de oraciones de relativo:

Defining Relative Clauses yNon-defining Relative Clauses


During this work I learned to conjugate sentences well thanks to relative clauses, which ran also learned and used as.


Las oraciones de relativo especificativas se llaman así porque aportan información esencial sobre su antecedente,de tal manera que sin ellas el sentido de la frase quedaría incompleto. Los pronombres relativos son:

THAT (“que”) se usa cuando el antecedente es tanto una persona como una cosa.
WHO (“que”,...
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