Reporte De Qatar En Ingles

Páginas: 9 (2064 palabras) Publicado: 23 de mayo de 2012
Qatar is a country that is known by its strong economy and its oil and natural gas reserves, which are the biggest ones in the world. Their economy is based more in their oil and natural gas, since they don’t have a lot of natural attractions for tourists to offer, however inverters around the world go to Qatar for business every day. In the past years, Qatar has been growing significantly fast,making today Qatar the country with the highest GDP in the world, especially after last’s years and this year’s high oil prices; Qatar’s economy is based in oil and natural gas, oil itself makes 85% of the economy of the country, but natural gas plays a huge roll in their economy as well. With their economy blooming, and with such a small country, Qatar has been working on better infrastructureand making the cities look better, making it a great choose for the World Cup to chose it as a host in 2022. Qatar, for such a small country, it has a really interesting mix of cultures of different Muslim’s denominations, and different Muslim tribes, which still today are very influential in the government. Like in most of the modern countries, Qatar has freedom of religion, making it really easyfor the people who live there to keep their religious cultures, however religion still has a big influence in the government; even though the Muslim traditions do not allow a lot of women influence in the religion, in Qatar, women can participate in the government and run for governmental places. Modern history in Qatar explains a lot of how the government works, which is a Monarchy, and thefamily that used to rule in the 1800’s still rules today. Unlike another middle east countries, the royal family in Qatar gives the people a lot of freedom making it one of the countries with better civil rights in the world, which has maintain the people happy and kept them from demonstrate like a lot of the other countries around Qatar. Culture in Qatar is both very conservative and very liberal.Most of the marriages are still arranged, but women have the right to decide whether they want to get married with the man their family has chosen for her or not, like modern countries, women have the same rights as men by law, however, their culture is really strong and women usually stay at home like old societies, but with economy growth, women have started to move on, and the government encouragethem to socialize more. The education system in Qatar is also very effective, more and more people are going to college since Sheikh Hamad overthrew his dad off the government on a peaceful coup in 1995.
Qatar is a small peninsula located in the Persian Gulf and Saudi Arabia. The land is very flat and rocky, which it makes it really hard for agriculture. The capital of Qatar is Doha, and isthe biggest city in the country, and it is also the most important in commerce, and population. Weather in Qatar is very hot, and for the most part of its terrain, is dessert. There are not a lot of natural attractions in Qatar, making it really hard for tourists to visit the country, however the government is working on the construction of artificial land (like the palm in Dubai). Rain is verylittle, it rains almost nothing in the year, not enough for all the population, and water that is underground, is not drinkable because of the minerals that it contains, so people in Qatar get most of their water from desalination plants, which take water from the ocean and make it fresh. Qatar's geographies are not that interesting, but its terrain mantains enough space to keep the right amount ofpeople in the country.
History of Qatar really starts back in the 18th century, when the Al-Thani family arrived from what it is today Saudi Arabia, which were fishers and pearl hunters. Later in the 19th century, the Ottomans invaded Qatar and Shaykh Muhammadi Bni Al-Thani was named the emir of the territory. After WWI, the Turks are removed from the Arabian Gulf, and Qatar was part of the...
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