Resumen Ben Hur

Páginas: 4 (896 palabras) Publicado: 15 de abril de 2012
The film's prologue depicts the traditional story of the Nativity of Jesus Christ.
In AD 26, Prince Judah Ben-Hur is a wealthy merchant in Jerusalem. His childhood friend Messala, now a militarytribune, arrives as the new commanding officer of the Roman garrison. Ben-Hur and Messala are happy to reunite after years apart, but politics divide them; Messala believes in the glory of Rome and itsimperial power, while Ben-Hur is devoted to his faith and the freedom of the Jewish people. Messala asks Ben-Hur for names of Jews who criticize the Roman government; Ben-Hur counsels his countrymenagainst rebellion but refuses to name names, and the two part in anger.

Ben-Hur, his mother Miriam, and sister Tirzah welcome their loyal slave Simonides and his daughter Esther, who is preparing for anarranged marriage. Ben-Hur gives Esther her freedom as a wedding present, and the two realize they are in love with each other.

. Although Messala knows it was an accident, he condemns Ben-Hur tothe galleys, and imprisons his mother and sister, to intimidate the restive Jewish populace by punishing the family of a known friend and prominent citizen. Ben-Hur swears to return and take revenge. Enroute to the sea, he is denied water when his slave gang arrives at Nazareth. As Ben-Hur collapses in despair, a local carpenter whose face is hidden from the viewing audience, but who is obviouslyJesus, gives him water and renews his will to survive.

After three years as a galley slave, Ben-Hur is assigned to the flagship of Consul Quintus Arrius, assigned to destroy a fleet of Macedonianpirates. As slave "Number 41," Ben-Hur's self-discipline and resolve are noticed by the commander who offers to train him as a gladiator or charioteer. But, Ben-Hur declines, declaring that God will aidhim.

As Arrius prepares for battle, he orders the rowers chained but Ben-Hur to be left free. Arrius's galley is rammed and sunk, but Ben-Hur unchains other rowers, escapes, and saves Arrius during...
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