Romeo y julieta

Páginas: 3 (657 palabras) Publicado: 30 de abril de 2011

Author: William Shakespeare
Genre: Tragedy
Topic: Forbidden Love
Language: English
Original title: The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedie of Romeo and JulietCountry: England

he novel was written Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare English, who is considered one of the four classics of world literature.
The novel is written in the form of play,is the drama and ends in tragedy. The main theme of it is the infatuation of two young men who love each other despite the hatred and rivalry between their families, hatred that leads to a fataloutcome. The feelings that the author's works and found throughout the story are, love, hatred, revenge, tragedy and deception, among others. It is a simple story and easy to understand with much beautyin the dialogue and the language skills and using language that encompasses the feelings, emotions and human weaknesses, it is not rough, or not use words risque plus well are words that appeal tocontinue reading and deepened in history. It is a novel like it because the story takes place between tragedy, comedy, love and unbridled passion, which at the present time is constantly repeated andfinally the story carries the message that when there is true love, it conquers all and on the other side shows clearly that hatred leads to violence and violence only brings more violence and get thetragedy.
      If I liked the story because it is very exciting, I liked it because despite the time that has this written work is a case that is much in today's society. In this work I can say inconclusion that it is a drama that leaves me a message: True love is very strong and at the end of it prevails over all things.

The story of Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy of love that tells the storyof two feuding families in Verona. These two families are the Montescos and the Capuletos.
Romeo, son of the Montesco, Juliet knows a masquerade party hosted by the Capuletos. That day falls for...
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