
Páginas: 2 (367 palabras) Publicado: 17 de julio de 2011


El presente progresivo expresa un hecho o una acción que está ocurriendo en este momento.
Se forma así:
Am/is/are -ing (doing-eating-raining-running-writing)Ejemplo:
I am working
He is playing
They are eating

Significa: Estoy trabajando. El está jugando. Ellos están comiendo.

Lea el siguiente párrafo y prepare una lista de 5 oraciones o frases comomínimo, donde encuentre la forma correcta del presente progresivo.

Pat O´Neil is applying for a job at a software company, and she has just completed an interview. Right now she is taking a test,but she does not know it. She is concentrating on what she is writing, not on how. The person who is giving her the test is not her teacher. He is a graphologist, a person who studies handwriting.Graphologist believe that people´s handwriting tells something about their personality and character, although many people do not agree with the idea.

What is the graphologist hoping to learn fromPat´s sample? To find out, we talked to Perry Bland, the graphology consultant in the company Pat O´Neil wants to join. “In Pat´s sample, I am looking for tendencies to act in certain ways,” explainBland. “I am examining the slant of her writing and its position on the page, among other things.” He showed us an anonymous sample.

”The right-hand margin of the page represents the future”, Bland toldus. “This sample is from an executive who right now is planning a new direction for a large company. Notice that this person does not leave much room in the right-hand margin. This is the writing ofsomeone who never avoids looking at the future.”

In spite of Bland´s confidence in graphology, he always warns his clients that his analysis does not guarantee an applicant´s future performance.Careful review of a complete application is necessary –and that is no guarantee of success, either.

1. Now she is taking a test

2. He showed us a sample of mind

3. Neil is seeking...
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