
Páginas: 2 (272 palabras) Publicado: 17 de abril de 2012
FFN Chapter 2 vocabulary

1. Cue:; a signal (as a word, phrase, or bit of stage business) to a performer to
begin a specific speech or action
Charismatic: Of, relating to,or characterized by charisma
3. Charisma: a special charm or appeal that causes people to feel attracted and
excited by someone
4. Spawned: To give rise to; engender; togive birth to
5. Scoops: a utensil composed of a palm-
sized hollow hemisphereattached to a horizontal handle, for dishing out ice cre
am orother soft foods; a hemisphericalportion of food as dished out by such a
6. Presumptuous: excessively forward; overstepping due bounds;
unwarrantedly or impertinently bold; forward.
7. Cordial: Warm andsincere; friendly; courteous and gracious
8. Belated: delayed beyond the usual time;
coming or being after the customary, useful, or expected time
9. Rigorous: Rigidlyaccurate; precise; Full of rigors; harsh
10. Ardent: Displaying or characterized by strong enthusiasm or devotion; fervent;
11. Mandatory: Required or commanded byauthority; obligatory;
12. Precarious: Dangerously lacking in security or stability;
dependent on circumstances beyond one's control; uncertain; unstable; insecure;
exposed to orinvolving danger; dangerous
13. Exponent:
a person or thing that is a representative, advocate, type,or symbol of something;
a person or thing that expounds, explains, orinterprets
Qualms: a sudden feeling of apprehensive uneasiness; misgiving;
an uneasy feeling or pang of conscience as to conduct; compunction
Heralded: to signal the approachof; foreshadow; One that gives a sign or
indication of something to come;
Scrapped: to abandon or get rid of as no longer of enough worth or effectiveness
to retain
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