
Páginas: 3 (508 palabras) Publicado: 25 de abril de 2012
Being an athlete is not just exercise every day, it is also important to have a diet.

The diet should be high in complex Carbohydrates: 55-60% of energy needs should come from carbohydrate foods,and then are transformed into glucose, which is the preferred energy source for working muscles. These foods are bread, rice, pasta, breakfast cereals, fruits and tubers. You can drink additionalservings of carbohydrates a few days before the competition, to saturate the liver and muscle glycogen (the way glucose is stored).
Liquids: Keep the body well hydrated during and after training andcompetition.
Be careful with the consumption of beverages containing caffeine.

The diet should be low on Fat; Avoid foods high in fat. Eating a small amount of fat is necessary for good health,especially for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins. Fat is not a good source of energy for working muscles, making it convenient to consume foods low in fat and avoid the use of added fat such as butter,margarine, sour cream and mayonnaise.

The diet should be moderate in; Protein: endurance athletes need to increase their servings of protein to ensure proper muscle recovery after exercise. Forthis it is necessary to increase protein intake with protein supplements, just eat more food with protein.
The recommended daily intake of one serving of protein per kilogram of body weight 5-8, whereone serving equals 30 grams of red meat, chicken or fish, whole egg and 250 ml of skim milk.
Fiber: usually endurance athletes need to eat more food, so it is not convenient consumption of foods highin fiber because they are very fillers.

Spread food intake throughout the day and allow time for digestion before training.
Increase consumption of bread rations or tubers if necessary, tomaintain body weight or glycogen storage two or three days before the competition.
Drink water throughout the day.
Avoid fats and oils, fried foods and snacks.
If you need to eat more food, reduce...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas