Selecting a product

Páginas: 4 (762 palabras) Publicado: 27 de enero de 2011
Investigating a single product
a)What does it do?
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists,designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.

(b) Is it for everyday use or for less frequent use?
It depends on the user, if the user is in anelectronic and programming environment it is a very useful tool; therefore one could use it frequently. Whereas in a non electronic environment, it is not used at all.

(c) Who is it for?
Most of theusers are students it as a basic programming and development tool. It is used for both genre, focused into programming and electronics stuff. It is well known worldwide. And nowadays it is used in mostof universities and colleges.
(d) What else could people use that would do the same job?
Another type of microcontroller, like a PIC, or another type of microchip. People could use another atmelmicrocontroller like an atmel 8051, however, programming tools and languages vary depending on the microcontroller. And the hardware and software used changes as well

(e) What did people use todo the job before this product was available?
Used other microcontrollers and different programming bases. Like de PIC16Fxx chip programmer.
The Pinguino is an open-source electronics prototypingplatform based on PIC (Microchip). It includes support for both hardware and software.

(a) How does it work? Draw a series of quick sketches and add notes to show how this product works. Youmay need to use exploded or cut-away views.

(b) What components are in it? Draw up a chart with headings for the main kinds of components fixings,fittings, mechanical, electrical, electronic,pneumatic, etc. Try to name the components in your product and note down to which group they belong.

(c) Say what each sort of component is used for and explain how it helps the product to work....
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