
Páginas: 2 (294 palabras) Publicado: 6 de marzo de 2013
Text 1 A World without Numbers?

As you sit reading this article, what do you see? A table, chairs, walls, windows?
Try to find one thing within this space that could notbe conceived without the power of numbers. Your home could not be designed, or even built without numbers. Similarly, your table, chair, television, radio, music player, and yourphone. Without numbers, life as we now know it cannot function.
As an interesting exercise, try to live the rest of your day without using numbers. Remember you cannot look at yourwatch, listen to the radio, use the telephone, write an e-mail, use your car, catch a bus, ride a bicycle or even eat. Numbers obviously apply to material objects, but do numbersapply to anything else?
Let’s examine some less tangible examples. You could not play or learn a musical instrument without the use of numbers. There would be no music! You couldnot be educated without numbers. You could not be treated in hospital, as the medical profession relies heavily upon numbers. You could not vote, governments could not govern andwars could not happen – such is the power of numbers!
Numerology – the study of numbers – has been studied by great, ancient Cultures (eg Egyptians, Phoenicians, Indians, andHebrews) and some of the world’s greatest philosophers and mathematicians. Pythagoras, for example, believed that the universe existed upon numbers and that nothing could exist withoutnumbers. He further deducted that numbers must also provide the basis for life. Thus the principles of numerology were conceived! The ancient study of Numerology continues to havesignificant relevance in this ever-changing, fast - moving civilization in which we live. Nothing occurs by chance!
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