Service order form

Páginas: 28 (6978 palabras) Publicado: 27 de octubre de 2010

Order Date:       | Customer:       | | |
| | |

1. Scope. This order (the “Order”) specifies Customer's purchase of the Services referenced in the Tables below. Except as provided in Section 4 below, this Order is made pursuant to the BMC Master Subscription Services Agreement dated       (the “Agreement”). Capitalizedterms are defined in this Order or its Attachments, or in the Agreement. Objeto. Esta orden (la “Orden”) especifica la compra por parte del Cliente de los Servicios referenciados en las Tablas más abajo. Excepto a lo dispuesto en la Seccion 4 mas abajo, esta Orden se regirá por el Contrato Marco de Servicios de Subscripcion de BMC de fecha (el “Contrato”). Los términos escritos en letra mayúsculase encuentran definidos en esta Orden o sus Anexos, o en el Contrato.

2. Order Term. The Order Term begins on the Order Date above and extends through      . Plazo de la Orden. El Plazo de la Orden comienza en la Fecha de la Orden mencionada mas arriba, y se extiende hasta el .

3. Services and Fees. The Services ordered and associated fees are set forth below and will beinvoiced by BMC in advance. Customer agrees to pay such fees, plus applicable taxes, as set forth in the Agreement and this Order. Servicios y Cargos. Los Servicios ordenados y los cargos asociados se encuentran dispuestos mas abajo y seran facturados por BMC por adelantado. El Cliente acuerda pagar dichos cargos, mas los impuestos aplicables, como se dispone en el Contrato y la presente Orden.3.1 BMC Subscription Service Fees. The Total Annual Fee for the initial year of the BMC Subscription Service is set forth in Table 3.1. The fee for subsequent years of the Order Term will be invoiced annually in advance. Cargos del Servicio de Subscripcion de BMC. El Cargo Total Annual para el año inicial del Servicio de Subscripcion de BMC se encuentra establecido en la Tabla 3.1. Los Cargos porlos años subsiguientes al Plazo de la Orden serán facturados anualmente y por adelantado.

Table 3.1 – Subscription Service
Services Servicios | Unit of Measure Unidad de Medida | Number of Units Numero de Unidades | Monthly Unit Cost (in USD) Costo Unitario Mensual (en USD) | Term (in Months) Plazo (en Meses) | Total Annual Fee (in USD) Cargo Total Annual (en USD) | Total Fee (in USD) TotalFee (en USD) |
      |       |       |       |       |       |       |

3.2 Additional Services and Fees. Servicios Adicionales y Cargos.

Table 3.2 – Additional Services
Services | Unit of Measure | Number of Units | Fee (in USD) |
      |       |       |       |
      |       |       |       |
TOTAL FEES |       |

4. Miscellaneous. Except as expresslymodified in this Order, the terms of the Agreement are incorporated in this Order. This Order is non-cancelable during the Order Term. If this Order expires or terminates for any reason, Customer’s right to use the Services immediately terminates. Customer may not assign this Order or any rights granted in this Order to any third party, whether by merger, sale of substantially all the assets, orotherwise. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between this Order and the Agreement, this Order will control. Any additional or conflicting terms of Customer’s purchase order, if any, are rejected by BMC. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, if the BMC Discovery OnDemand product (“Product”) is listed in Table 3.1 above, that Product will be governed by the end userlicense agreement provided with the Product (“EULA”) and not the Agreement referenced above. Miscelaneos. Excepto por lo expresamente modificado en esta Orden, los terminos del Contrato quedan incorporados a esta Orden. Esta Orden no es cancelable durante el Plazo de la Orden. Si la presente Orden expira o es terminada por alguna razón, el derecho del Ciente a usar terminara inmediatamente. El...
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