Socialismo y capitalismo

Páginas: 2 (451 palabras) Publicado: 2 de agosto de 2010
Halloween Australia
Welcome to Halloween Australia!
Halloween is fast becoming a popular occasion in Australia, with regular Halloween events, parades and fetes at schools, house decorations,parties, and groups of children and teenagers dressed up in Halloween costumes, trick or treating through local streets.
Until recently in Australia, Halloween was just an excuse for some scary movies onTV, the Halloween specials on The Simpsons, and maybe hiring Friday the Thirteenth at the video shop. Now there are halloween events, parades and parties, and lots of halloween decorations andcostumes to help you have some creative fun.
This site provides a place for you to register your suburb as a Halloween suburb. List the streets that take part in trick or treating in your suburb, and localcustoms (such as tying black, orange or purple balloons to your house if you still have treats left), and preferred times for children to trick or treat. You can find or list a Halloween event, if itis open to the public.
Learn places to buy halloween decorations and costumes. Get ideas for decorating your house with a Halloween theme.
Try recipes for Halloween parties, with a twist. UsingAustralian ingredients.
Show off and share photos of your costume or decorations.
This aims to be a family-friendly Halloween site, so all submissions need to wait for approval before being displayed.PS. Halloween is traditionally enjoyed on October 31 in the US and most of the UK. And in all the Halloweens I've experienced in Australia, it has been on October 31. However apparently in some partsof Australia, such as Western Australia, Halloween has been celebrated on Guy Fawkes Day, on the 5th November. See the Halloween History page for more details.
Regardless of which day you choose,enjoy your Halloween in Australia!
CostumeBox is still the best place to buy halloween costumes in Australia online. Order. I ordered the Cool Ghoul for one of my boys on Sunday night, and it arrived...
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