Somos libres

Páginas: 2 (363 palabras) Publicado: 9 de noviembre de 2011
Written by D´arcy Niland

1. Gurgle: /gûrgl/ - (verb): It means to make low bubbling noises whensomebody is flowing.

* There was only the gurgle and drip of the wet world
* The baby gurgled with delight

2. Drip: /drp/ - (verb): It is the process of forming and falling in drops.Ex.

* There was only the gurgle and drip of the wet world
* Water is dripping from that leaky faucet.

3. Freed: /fr/ - (adjective): It means not being controlled by the obligation orthe will of another

* The creature appear freed from the tyranny of the elements
* USA is the freest and wealthiest nation in the world

4. Hawk: / hôk / - (noun): To swoop andstrike in the manner of a hawk:

* They hawked across the shining grass and water
* The hawk ruffled in misery, brooding in ferocity.

5. Brooding: /brdin/ - (noun): Incubation
Ex.* The hawk ruffled in misery, brooding in ferocity.
* Sitting on eggs so as to hatch them by the warmth of the body, the chicken was brooding.

6. Bullock: /blk/ - (noun): any immaturemammal

* The bullock like a dark bladder carried down on the swollen stream
* I prefer to buy the youngest bull like this bullock.

7. Swollen: /swln/ - (verb): A past participleof swell; expanded by or as if by internal pressure; distended: a swollen toe.

* The bullock like a dark bladder carried down on the swollen stream
* My cousin had a swollen toe.8. Flooded: /flded/ - (noun): An overflowing of water onto land that is normally dry.

* The rabbit driven from its flooded warren and squeezed dead against a log.
* That´s a floodedbathroom

9. Rubble: /rbl/ - (noun): The remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up

* Whit practiced eye it scrutinized the floating islands of rubble
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