Special Power

Páginas: 2 (405 palabras) Publicado: 20 de noviembre de 2013


I, …………………….. in my capacity as ……………………..………… of the company …………………………… of the same domicile as the undersigned, grant power to Mr. ……….(complete name,identification card number)…………… , without limitation, so that in the name of the company …………………….……………. will legally oppose the request for registration of the trademarks “…………………………….……...” before theIndustrial Property Registry of Costa Rica, Presented by ……………………………. The attorney in fact, besides the oppositions, may take all the steps necessary regarding the indicated objective and effect petitions,declarations and claims; may receive documents securities and prepare the corresponding release or receipt; may comply any requirement and adopt the measures that the attorney in fact may deem necessaryin order to safeguard the interests of the constituent; will have judicial powers before the courts as appellant or in the case the resolution the opposition presented may have been appealed. Wehereby declare valid and acceptable any action undertaken by the attorney in fact in benefit of the constituent. Besides the above, the attorney in fact may substitute this power as a whole or in part,revoke substitutions and effect others anew without losing in any case his powers. We sign in the ……… at …………… hours on the …………..


Yo, ………………………… en mi caracter de ………….…………… de lacompañía ……….………………. domiciliada igual que el suscrito, confiero poder especial al señor ........(nombre completo y numero de identificación)..............., sin limitación de suma, para que en nombrede la compañía ………………………….…… se oponga formalmente a la solicitud de registron de la marca de fabrica “………………………………………..” , ante el Registro de la Propiedad Industrial de Costa Rica que ha hecho…………………….………. El apoderado, ademas de hacer oposiciones, podrá tomar todos los pasos necesarios con el objeto indicado y elevarsolicitudes, declaraciones y reclamos; podra formular descripciones,...
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