School of Arts and Sciences
Course Syllabus
Course Number: PSY110
Course Name: Social Psychology
Date: January 5, 2009 – March 12, 2009
Term: 1st Quarter
Number of Credits: 4.5
Prerequisite: N/A
Instructor(s): Roblyn P. Lewter
Office Hours: By appointment
Office Location: By e-mail
Office Phone: (202) 262-7387School Cancellation #:
Course Description
This course provides an application of psychological principles to the development of a stable social framework within business and personal environments.
Course Objectives
The primary objective of this class is to introduce students to the field of social psychology and to increase their knowledge of how this field of study can enhance theirunderstanding of social interactions. At class end, students will be able to:
1. Assess social interactions based on theories of human behavior
2. Understand, at a basic level, what motivates behavior and how behavior
Informs our understanding of others
3. Recognize and understand themes of social interactions
4. Understand prejudice enough to be able to work towards itseradication
5. Understand why the react as they do in social settings
6. Be able to discuss the social psychology of settings in which they find
instructional methods
Method of Instruction
Recognizing the diverse learning styles present in any classroom, a variety of instructional techniques will be used to encourage learning. Such methods include, but are not limitedto, lecture, class discussion facilitated by both the instructor and by students, small group work, presentations, activities, and film.
Students are expected to read assigned readings before each class begins in order to participate in class discussions. Students should feel free to ask questions and to challenge things that don’t seem to fit for them.
There will be an in-class writingassignment each week relating to the assigned reading for that week. This writing assignment will be used to assess students’ grasp of concepts germane to the subject.
A note on plagiarism: Students are encouraged to search websites and research good books in order to enhance their view of the topics discussed. You may quote directly from these sources, or paraphrase the findings, but please makesure that your words and their words are specifically indicated. When paraphrasing, also be sure to attribute your findings to the particular sources. Students will be credited for their thorough research, as well as their ability to formulate their own conclusions. Passing off other people’s work as your own is unethical and unacceptable in this course and will result in a failing grade.
Classattendance and participation are keys to your success. Unexcused late homework will not be accepted. Unexcused makeup exams will NOT be given. Cell phone use during class is forbidden.
This class is structured to reward daily attendance. Discussion is an important element of learning in this class. Students who arrive late or who leave early will lose half their attendance points for thatday.
Quizzes will be given throughout the term at varying intervals. Students may make up missed quizzes, with the understanding that full points will not be awarded for make up quizzes.
VERY IMPORTANT: Keep copies of all major assignments that you submit.
The Stratford Libraries on campus are located both at the Falls Church campus and the Woodbridge campus. Students have 24/7 accessthrough
The Online Library is accessed through the Stratford home page at . Here you will find full text books, journals and other electronic resources to assist with your papers and research assignments.
Click on: Current Student > Library Online > EBooks Online > Net Library
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