Taller 2 Ingles Freire

Páginas: 2 (439 palabras) Publicado: 5 de noviembre de 2012
1. Realiza una descripción de los siguientes objetos.


2. Escriba oraciones acerca de lo que estaba haciendo cada personaje ayera las 11 de la mañana.

• David was flying comet yesterday for the morning.
• Tom was preparing bread and butter jelly for their friends.
• Stephen was riding bicycle bylake.
• Sarah was picking flowers of field.
• Ella was jumping loop .
• The teacher estaba rowing by a very small lake .

3. De acuerdo al dibujo realice una oración de lo que le va a ocurrir acada personaje.

1. the Lord will fall because of stepping on a banana.
2. the boy will clean this carro that this dirty.
3. the child will stick with the lighthouse by playing with the yoyo4. she will answer the phone.
5. the painter will fall because of the ladder .
6. She will fall for the sewer that was uncovered .

4. Según el dibujo escriba preguntas y respuestas acerca de loque le ha ocurrido a cada un
romper/brazo coger/frio daño/tobillo
perder/diente contusion/rodilla golpeo/ cabeza
1. juanito which broke arm?
rta.el right arm
2.carlitos cold is what wasthe cause?
rta. on leaving school was very cold and was not covered.
3.For Julian has hurt his ankle?
rta. fell off the bike
4.Please that Solomon lost the dientess?
rta.salomon ate many sweetsand not the washed
5.erika went to the doctor after a fall that diagnosis?
rta.el doctor told him he had a bruised knee
6.andres has beaten head would you advise me to do?
rta.si was very hardhit should see a doct
5. De acuerdo al diálogo de Harry realice las siguientes actividades.
6. Escucha a Harry y Fran y contesta las preguntas.
1. Are they married? ____________
2. Where are theyin the photo? _____________
7. Escucha de nuevo y pon las siguientes frases en el orden correcto.
a) Harry and Fran had their 50th wedding anniversary ___________
b) Harry and Fran got married...
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