
Páginas: 2 (351 palabras) Publicado: 24 de octubre de 2012
The Peacock
The turkey is a large animal, even called the largest farms and lives well with other poultry such as chickens and parrots. It is very common and domestic, docile and very persecuted fortheir meat of great value in the market. Also known because in the tables is desired during most Western holidays.
It weighs about twenty pounds, although this depends on the breed, which in somecases may exceed that size. Others weigh only half and are considered less valuable. Dimorphism is related to the sex of the bird, and is evidenced by its size, being much larger males than females.This change is very noticeable to the naked eye.
A major difference between wild turkeys and farm has to do with his ability to fly. Generally domestic turkeys do not while the savages have no problemto do this. Said to be native to North America, and from there came to celebrate traditions with this bird on the table at Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving Day, through a wide range of recipes andmenus.
Although their meat is prized in the high food, its nutritional properties are not as extensive as those of other meats. His wealth lies mainly in its taste, no matter if you have a high proteinor vitamins. The animal is very used by industries, who through genetic manipulation increase their size, and other characteristics that alter to increase their commercial value.
One of thecountries that produce this bird is France, along with other parts of Europe. Other species are found in Australia and the most common turkey differs is the peacock, who is originally from India. It is saidthat this bird was brought to America and there is tamed, more precisely, in Mexico.
Since then the man got used to him as part of the farm and provide for themselves with him, either by sale or fortheir own consumption. This type of turkey is not considered an ornamental bird and not persecute people for their beauty, because the color of their feathers and their appearance is not considered...
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