
Páginas: 2 (296 palabras) Publicado: 30 de septiembre de 2012

Daniela and Ferras Conversation

Daniela and her friend Ferras found at five in the afternoon in an old confectionery of Palermo Hollywood for tea...

Daniela: Ferras'm shocked! Look at those girls who are in the corner as they are dressed, wear a mini skirt and a blouse so tight. I do not know that today'sparents have in their heads that let their daughters go out like that.

Ferras: Luckily my son does not let them go out to my granddaughters, only leave to go toschool, go to the country or to the mall. They are dressed with fine fabrics imported houses. Augustus, my child, I also bought the latest phones to talk and sendmessages to their friends, so do not meet in the village and are directly in our weekend house.

Daniela: Yeah, good idea that I invite you this weekend, youand your grandchildren to come to my house the tiger! It is an old house, with plenty of room, football field has pool, tennis and I have trimmed all the countries Ivisited. Nothing to do with the houses of my neighbors that are very simple, and the girls decorated with cheap trinket bought at the fruit market.

Daniela:Yeah, that little class! Before things were better. Now to find good quality things you have to travel to the U.S. or Europe.

Daniela: No doubt, the next tripabroad to do my niece I'm going to order several things. I want to look good when I go to run errands around the neighborhood.

Ferras: Yes me too. I hope I'm inthe salon, good to see you.

Daniela: Do you leave tip the waiter?

Ferras: And if .... Let her weight .... Total so ago.

Daniela and Ferras: Bye, bye.
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