
Páginas: 5 (1249 palabras) Publicado: 10 de junio de 2014
Steve Wozniak aconseja a Apple lanzar un teléfono con Android

En una entrevista concedida a Wired, el cofundador de Apple dio un polémico consejo.
In an interview with Wired, Apple co-founder gave a controversial advice.
Steve Wozniak was one of the founders of Apple. His remarkable technical skills enabled him to devise the Apple I, a personal computer that could be connected to a TV. Heis considered as the artifice of electronic development of the first two computers created by the firm once led by Steve Jobs.
Woz did not remain active for long with Apple. He signed his first retirement in 1981 following a crash that compromised his memory. He returned in 1983 and , four years later, he took leave of the company's new - and indefinitely - to pursue personal projects. It is stilla shareholder of the Cupertino technology and receives a salary estimated at $ 120,000 annually.
Since retiring, has launched several inflammatory statements. The latter gave it to wired magazine in an interview. According to ' Woz ‘, Apple should release a phone equipped with Android, Google’s operating system for mobile devices. "There is nothing to keep Apple out of the Android market and asecondary market. Could we compete really well," he said, adding "People liked the style and manufacture of our products compared to other products from Android. Could we play two wickets while. "
These statements recall the same Wozniak said by the BBC in November 2013. On that occasion, he confessed that he would like to see “Google and Apple as allies in the future." Steve believes that someparts of the Galaxy are attractive and should be part of the iPhone.
Recall that Apple has been strongly questioned in recent days , after presenting sales projections and analysts not convinced . The stock was trading at $ 550 on January 27 and slumped to $ 506 a day later. By 6 February, title it closed at $ 512.
Analysts call for greater innovation, could be a solution Android phone?
"Applehas made no technological innovation since Steve Jobs left. The company is being hit by competitors. Now, we hear that the next product (iPhone 6) will have a larger screen. Samsung has offered a screen larger for two years, "said Bert Dohmen, president and founder of Dohmen Capital Research Institute, agencies, days ago.
The latest report from IDC showed that Samsung’s market share is at 31.3percent, while Apple fell from 18.7 percent to 15.3 percent.
Steve Wozniak aconseja a Apple lanzar un teléfono con Android
En una entrevista concedida a Wired, el cofundador de Apple dio un polémico consejo.
En una entrevista concedida a Wired, el cofundador de Apple dio un polémico consejo.
Steve Wozniak fue uno de los fundadores de Apple. Sus notables aptitudes técnicas le permitieronidear el Apple I, un computador personal que se podía conectar a un televisor. Se le considera como el artifice del desarrollo electrónico de los dos primeros computadores creados por la firma otrora liderada por Steve Jobs.
Woz no se mantuvo en activo por mucho tiempo con Apple. Firmó su primer abandono en 1981 a raíz de un accidente de aviación que comprometió su memoria. Regresó en 1983 y,cuatro años después, se despidió de la compañía de nuevo –y de forma indefinida- para dedicarse a proyectos personales. Aún es accionista de la tecnológica de Cupertino y recibe un salario que se estima en 120.000 dólares anuales.
Desde que se retiró, ha lanzado varias declaraciones incendiarias. La última la concedió a la revista Wired en una entrevista. Según 'Woz', Apple debería lanzar unteléfono equipado con Android, el sistema operativo de Google para dispositivos móviles. "No hay nada que mantenga a Apple fuera del mercado Android como un mercado secundario. Podríamos competir realmente bien", afirmó y añadió "A la gente le gusta el estilo y la fabricación de nuestros productos comparados con otras ofertas de Android. Podríamos jugar en dos terrenos al tiempo".
Estas declaraciones...
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