Teen Drinking Essay

Páginas: 2 (479 palabras) Publicado: 3 de octubre de 2012
Teen Drinking
Now a days a big problem in the society is teen drinking. Alcohol abuse is not only an adult’s problem because it affects a significant number of adolescents and young adults between12 and 20 years-old, even though the legal age to drink is 18. This problem does not only affect the ones who are drinking, it also affects their families and sometimes even their friends.
Underagedrinking has their reasons, as we are changing from adolescents to young adulthood we overpass a lot of physical and emotional changes and that has been related to alcohol abuse in teenagers, but someother reasons are: Risk-tacking, that consists in the necessity of the teen to look for new ways of taking risks; Expectancies, is the expectancy of the adolescent of feel pleasure while drinking, ateen that does not expect that is more likely not to drink that the ones that does; Sensitivity and tolerance to alcohol is another reason, because teenagers are able to consume more quantity of alcoholthan adults and does not experiment things like drowsiness, lack of coordination or hangover effects. And some other factors like inheritance or environmental aspects are important reasons.
Alcoholabuse, even though it does not look like, it has plenty of consequences. These consequences can affect in two ways: physical and psychological. Some examples of physical impact of alcohol in underageadolescents are: cancer, particularly oral and liver, brain effects, and raised blood pressure. The brain effects that alcohol causes are because the brain stops developing until the early twentiesso it can affect intellectual abilities, like long-term thinking and memory skills. In the other hand we have psychological consequences like suicide that takes about 300 teen life’s a year, otherimpact is in the academic performance at school because there is a relationship between the teens that do not drink and the ones that do with alcohol and their developing at school, most of the good...
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