|Tense |Affirmative |Negative |Interrogative |Wh – question |
|Simple Present (Verb tobe)|S + V + C |S + V + not + C | V + S + C? |Wh-q +V. To be + S? |
| |She is in the garden |She is not in thegarden |Is she in the garden? |Where are they? |
|Present Continuous (Verb to|S + Be +V.ing + C |S+Be+not +V.ing +C |Be+ S+V.ing + C? |Wh-q+ be+S+V.ing |
|be + V.ing) |He is running in the park |He is not running in the |Is he running in the park? |+ C? |
|| |park | |What are you reading? |
|Simple Present (Regular and |S + V + C |S+Aux+ not + V+ C |Aux + S + V+ C? |Wh-q +Aux+ S+V+ C? |
|irregular verbs) |You clean the table |You don’t clean table |Do you clean thetable? |How do you get to |
| | | |Does she read the newspaper?|your work? |
||She reads the news |She doesn’t read the | |Where does she live? |
| ||newspaper | | |
|Simple Past |S + V + C |S + V + not + C |V + S +C? |Wh-q + Be + S + C? |
|(Verb to be) |He was in London |He wasn’t in London |Was he in London? |What was your opinion...
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