Tesis computacion

Páginas: 218 (54465 palabras) Publicado: 5 de octubre de 2010
Centro de Investigaci´n y de Estudios Avanzados o del Instituto Polit´cnico Nacional e
Unidad Zacatenco Departamento de Ingenier´ El´ctrica ıa e Secci´n de Computaci´n o o

Implementaci´n Eficiente de Algoritmos Criptogr´ficos o a en Dispositivos de Hardware Reconfigurable †

Tesis que presenta: Nazar Abbas Saqib Para obtener el grado de: Doctor en Ciencias En la especialidad de: Ingenier´El´ctrica ıa e Opci´n: o Computaci´n o Directores de tesis: Dr. Arturo D´ ıaz-P´rez e Dr. Francisco Rodr´ ıguez-Henriquez

Ciudad de M´xico, M´xico. e e

3 de Septiembre de 2004.

† Este trabajo fue parcialmente financiado mediante el proyecto CONACyT 31892-A: Algoritmos y arquitecturas de computadoras con dispositivos reconfigurables.

Centro de Investigaci´n y de Estudios Avanzados o delInstituto Polit´cnico Nacional e
Campus Zacatenco Computer Science Section Electrical Engineering Department

Efficient Implementation of Cryptographic Algorithms on Reconfigurable Hardware Devices †

By Nazar Abbas Saqib in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Science Specialization in Electrical Engineering Option Computer Sciences Advisors: Dr. Arturo D´ ıaz-P´rez eDr. Francisco Rodr´ ıguez-Henriquez

Mexico City, Mexico.

September 3, 2004.

† This work was partially supported by CONACyT, project No. 31892-A: Computer algorithms and architectures with reconfigurable devices.

To my wife, Afshan, for her devotions, sincerity, and solidarity for me. To my daughter, Fizza (7 years) and Ahmer (5 years), whose only presence give me a new sense to myexistence. To my parents, brothers and sister, for their moral, financial, and everlasting support.



I thank to Ministry of Education, Islamabad, Pakistan for the award of Cultural Scholarship for pursuing doctorate in computer sciences at Mexico, a beautiful country in North America. I thank to Mexican Government for a warm welcome and a regular financing during mydoctorate. I would wish to thank all officials of Foreign Office Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their kind treatment and cooperation during my stay in Mexico. I would acknowledge my advisor, Dr. Arturo D´ ıaz-P´rez for his knowledge, his e experience, and his guidance for this thesis work. I am thankful to him for arranging financial support in last months of my studies. I would acknowledge myadvisor, Dr. Francisco Rodr´ ıguez-Henriquez for his hard work and useful ideas for improving this dissertation work. I shall ever remember long discussions with him during days and nights for the clear conception and presentation of ideas. I am personally thankful to my examiners for the revision of my thesis and for their valuable suggestions. I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Cetin Kaya Ko¸ ¸ c(Oregon State University, USA), Dr. Claudia Feregrino Uribe (INAOE, Mexcio), Dr. Guillermo Morales-Luna (CINVESTAV-IPN), Dr. Adriano de Luca Pennacchia (CINVESTAV-IPN) and my advisors who are also member of my examination committee. I would like to thank all professors, officials, and colleagues of my department for their kind cooperation. I cannot forget Sofia Reza and Flor C´rdova for their ofriendly talks and guidance for academic matters. I thank all officials in academic services and library officials for their nice treatment.


Conforme nos movemos hacia una sociedad de informaci´n, la seguridad se ha o convertido en un asunto crucial en ´reas como la industria, los negocios y la ada ministraci´n. Las t´cnicas b´sicas que se requieren para proteger la informaci´n o e a opertenecen al campo de la criptograf´ La criptograf´ aplicada a la seguridad es ıa. ıa una herramienta importante para asegurar confidencialidad (en la transmisi´n y alo macenamiento de la informaci´n), integridad (no hay cambio que pueda no ser deteco tado), identificaci´n de fuente (el que env´ puede ser identificado), y no repudiaci´n o ıa o (el que env´ no puede negar que envi´ un mensaje). ıa o...
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