
Páginas: 3 (638 palabras) Publicado: 30 de junio de 2012
Principio del formulario
Exercise Was or Were?
Complete the sentences with was or were.
1. I wasUse was for I/he/she/it or a singular noun.happy.
2. You wereUse were for you/we/they or a plural noun. angry.
3. She wasUse was for I/he/she/it or a singular noun. in London last week.
4. He wasUse was for I/he/she/it or asingular noun. on holiday.
5. It wasUse was for I/he/she/it or a singular noun. cold.
6. We wereUse were for you/we/they or a plural noun. at school.
7. You wereUse were for you/we/they or aplural noun. at the cinema.
8. They wereUse were for you/we/they or a plural noun. at home.
9. The cat wasUse was for I/he/she/it or a singular noun. on the roof.
10. The childrenwereUse were for you/we/they or a plural noun. in the garden.
Great, all answers are correct!
Exercise on positive sentences
Write positive sentences in simple past.
1. He answered thequestion.regular verb - add ed
2. You asked a question.regular verb - add ed
3. The dog barked.regular verb - add ed
4. They called us.regular verb - add ed
5. We climbed amountain.regular verb - add ed
6. John collected stamps.regular verb - add ed
7. We lived in London.regular verb ending with an 'e' - only add d
8. I was hungry.irregular verb: be - was/were
use was afterI/he/she/it.
9. They had a hamster.irregular verb: have - had
10. He went to school.irregular verb: go - went
11. When was his English course? → His English course was on Thursday.12. When did he go shopping? → He went shopping on Tuesday.Note that 'did' is not used in affirmative sentences. Instead, you have to use the simple past form of the main verb (go).
go → went13. When did he buy flowers? → (Your answer: »j«) He bought flowers on Friday.Note that 'did' is not used in affirmative sentences. Instead, you have to use the simple past form of the main verb...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas