The Adjetives

Páginas: 9 (2149 palabras) Publicado: 2 de mayo de 2012

The adjectives help us express ourselves in a direct way in aspects of characteristics, qualities, sizes, attributes, in short, can define any feature of the subject of the talk, here is the importance of learning the correct use of these for good communication both in English and Spanish.
The use of adjectives in English seems simple at first glance, but often becomesdifficult for students, since two of its features work backwards in Spanish.
That is why the aim of this work is to practice through the construction of sentences the correct use of these in three degrees: positive, comparative and superlative.

Positivo | Comparativo | Superlativo |
Ingles | Español | Ingles | Español | Ingles | Español |
Tall | alto | Taller | Mas alto | Tallest | El/la mas alt@|
Long | largo | longer | Mas largo | longest | El/la l mas larg@ |
Short | corto | shorter | Mas corto | shortest | El/la mas cort@ |
Happy | feliz | happier | Mas feliz | Happiest | El/la mas feliz |
tender | tierno | Tenderer | Mas tierno | tenderest | El/la mas tiern@ |
Humble | humilde | humbler | Mas humilde | Humblest | El/la mas humilde |
narrow | estrecho | narrower | Masestrecho | narrowest | El/la mas estrech@ |
Polite | cortés | politer | Mas cortés | Politest | El/la mas cortés |
Profund | Profundo | Profunder | Mas profundo | profundest | El/la mas profund@ |
Sincere | sincero | sincerer | Mas sincero | Sincerest | El/la mas sincer@ |
Nice | agradable | Nicer | Mas agradable | nicest | El/la mas agradable |
greedy | codicioso | greedier | Mascodicioso | Greediest | El/la mas codicios@ |
easy | fácil | easier | Mas fácil | easiest | El/la mas fácil |
Shy | tímido | shyer | Mas tímido | shyest | El/la mas tímid@ |
sly | astuto | slyer | Mas astuto | Slyest | El/la mas astut@ |
Spry | ágil | spryer | Mas ágil | Spryest | El/la mas ágil |
Wry | torcido | wryer | Mas torcido | wyest | El/la mas torcid@ |
Grey | gris | greyer | Mas gris| greyest | El/la mas gris |
Gay | alegre | gayer | Mas alegre | Gayest | El/la mas alegre |
Big | grande | Bigger | Mas grande | Biggest | El/la mas grande |
Hot | caliente | hotter | Mas caliente | Hottest | El/la mas caliente |
Thin | delgado | thinner | Mas delgado | thinnest | El/la mas delgad@ |
Good | bueno | Better…than | Mejor | Thebest | El/la mejor |
Bad | malo | Wore…than| Peor | Theworst | El/la Peor |
Little | poco | less | Poco | lest | Poco |
Much | mucho | more | Mas | Most | Mas |
many | muchos | more | Mas | most | Mas |


* Positiva
*María es una mujer alta
-Maria is a tall woman

* Comparativas
*María es más alta que Juan
-María is taller tan Juan

*Mateo es menos alto que Camilo
-Mateo is lesstall than Camilo

*María es tan alta como juan
-Maria is as tall as Juan

* Superlativa
*María es la mas alta de todas las mujeres
-Maria is the tallest of all the women

* Positiva
*María tiene una cuerda larga
-Mary has a long rope

* Comparativas
*María tiene una cuerda mas larga que tomas
-Maria has a rope longer than Tomas

*María tiene una cuerda menos largaque tomas
-Maria has a rope less long than Tomas

*maría tiene una cuerda tan larga como tomas
-Maria has a rope as long as Tomas

* Superlativa
*maría tiene la cuerda mas larga
-Maria has the longest rope
* Positiva
*Juliana tiene una lengua corta
-Juliana has a short tongue

* Comparativas
*juliana tiene la lengua más corta que él
-Juliana has the tongue shorterthan him

*juliana tiene la lengua menos corta que él
-Juliana has the tongue less short than him

*juliana tiene la lengua tan corta como él
-Juliana has the tongue as short as him

* Superlativa
*Juliana tiene la lengua más corta
-Juliana has the shortest tongue

* Positiva
*Alberto es un hombre feliz
-Alberto is a happy man

* Comparativas
*Alberto es más feliz...
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