The Canterville Ghost

Páginas: 4 (941 palabras) Publicado: 23 de mayo de 2012
Characters Of The Story The Canterville Ghost
Personajes De El Cuento The Canterville Ghost
The ghost: The ghost of the castle for centuries. He was Sir Simon de Canterville and died in 1584, hisspirit still haunts the Chase. His aspect is very terrible: “He is an old man, his eyes were as red burning coals, long grey hair fell over his shoulders in matted coils, his garments, which were ofantique cut, were soiled and ragged, and from his wrists and ankles hung heavy manacles and rusty gyves.”
El fantasma: El fantasma del castillo durante siglos. Fue Sir Simon de Canterville y murió en1584, su espíritu perdura en la Caza. Su aspecto es muy terrible: "Él esun hombre viejo, sus ojos eran rojos como brasas, larga cabellera gris caía sobresus hombros en bobinas enmarañadas, sus prendasde vestir, que eran de corteantiguo, estaban sucias y harapientas, y de las muñecas y los tobillos colgabanpesados ​​grilletes y grilletes oxidados. "
Mr. Otis: The father of the Otis family. He is amiddle-aged American minister; he is determinated, inflexible, rational, practical and pragmatic, in conclusion a true American. In fact at the beginning he believes that the ghost doesn’t exist,then, when he personally meets him, he is indifferent: he has more important things to do, making money, for example.
El señor Otis: El padre de la familia Otis. Él es un ministro americano de medianaedad, sino que está determinado, inflexible, racional, práctico y pragmático, para concluir un verdadero americano. De hecho, al principio él cree que el fantasma no existe, entonces, cuando él,personalmente, se encuentra con él, le es indiferente: él tiene cosas más importantes que hacer, ganar dinero, por ejemplo.
Virginia: “She is a little girl of fifteen, lithe and lovely as a fawn, and witha fine freedom, in her large blue eyes. She is a wonderful amazon. In respect to her family she is kind and with weling heart.” The daughter is the only one in the family who is scared by the ghost....
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