The Cinema

Páginas: 4 (877 palabras) Publicado: 5 de abril de 2012
-The cinema stars the 28 of december 1895, day when the Lumiere Bros “projected publicly ” a short “documental” in France, in a year the LB created more than 500 movies, but they were boring , cuzthey are documentals without actors and history
But in 1902 George Melies started to tell storys and developed new cinematic techniques.For exaple “travel to the moon”. From this time en adelantesurgieron to the future they were grietes dirictors :-Fritz Lang – Charles Chaplin
IN 1927 appear the first movie with sound “The Singer of Jazz” by Alan Crosland, in this time the scrips started to bemore develop .In this same year Paramount Pictures created the dubbing.
The colormovies started in 1935 with “Vanity fair” de Rouben Mamoulian, but artistically achieved its maximum fullness in 39with “Gone with the Wind”
Film Genres….
First they are Independent Films: The ones that have been without help of a study or commercial film, Animeted Films: The ones that mostly use animationtechniques, like drags, models, objects and Stop Motion.Documentary Films: Th eones that are base on images taken from reality.
They are too genres base of Style:
-Drama a film that focus in the deevlopmentof a conflic (Forrest Gump)
-Comedy Films that provoke humor, entertemeint or/& laugher (scary movie)
-Action: whose Plot involves a moral inter play between good and bad ( Die Hard,
-Aventuracontain hazards and risk (indiana Jones)
-Science fiction- progresión from the unknow to the know (star Wars)
-romanticemphasizes love and romantic elements (Titanic)
Musicals there they areinterumptions in the development to take ahor break by a opiece of music (Chicago)
Thriller- their intencions is provoking tansion in the people ( the girl with the dragon tatto)
Fantasy- containFacuss, worlds or fantasy creaturas ( hp)
Famous Actors and big cfilms studios
A movie studio (aka film studio or simply studio) is, in the established sense of the term, a company that distributes...
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