The Four Agreemenst

Páginas: 2 (286 palabras) Publicado: 28 de febrero de 2013
The four agreements

This is a self-help book based on Toltec culture knowledge and their thoughts about human balance with their spirit and mind. The author setsfour basic agreements in order to pursue happiness and live in peace with nature and the environment. The first agreement is be impeccable with your word, the second one isdon’t take anything personally, the other is don’t make assumptions and the last is always do your best. All of them are tips and suggestions that can help you to findlove and happiness in your life. Besides integrated into your being a balance in each area of your life.
The book was published in 1997 and wrote by Miguel Ruiz. Heborn and grew in Mexico, was brought up to follow his family's Toltec ways by his mother, a Toltec faith healer, and grandfather, a Toltec 'nagual', a shaman.
Despitethis, Miguel decided to pursue a conventional education, which led him to qualify and practice for several years as a surgeon. Following a car crash, Miguel Ruiz revertedto his Toltec roots during the late 1970's, first studying and learning about the Toltec ways, and then healing, teaching, lecturing and writing during the 1980's and90's, when he wrote The Four Agreements (published in 1997). Miguel Ruiz survived a serious heart attack 2002, since when his teachings have been largely channelledthrough seminars and classes run by his followers.
I recomend this book because it is a page-turner and it's a fast read, all the simple ideas of The Four Agreementsprovide an inspirational code for life; a personal development model, behaviour and relationships. Furthermore a balance between your body , your soul and your mind.
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