The Importance Of Being Earnest

Páginas: 2 (425 palabras) Publicado: 13 de diciembre de 2012
The importance of Being Earnest
Oscar Wile
Monday, 19th November 2012
4º ESO

* Vocabulary
* What I learnt
* My opinión
* My favourite part
* Index CardVocabulary
Definition | Term | Transation |
abstract reasoning | Metaphysical | Metafísico |
Big, Powerful, Domineering to women | Wagnerian | |
Describing an unhealthy state | Morbid |Morboso, malsano, mórbido |
disapprovingly | reproachfully | Reproche:En tono acusadorCon reprocheDe modo reprobatorio |
impossible to get back | irretrievably | IrreparablementeIrremediablemente |improper | Indecorous | Indecoroso |
irrelevant, unimportant | immaterial | IrrelevanteInmaterial |
Lacking in vigor or vitality | Languidly | lánguidamente |
Made certain or valid | Confirmed |ConfirmadoVerificado |
One thing conceived as representing another | metaphorically | Metafóricamente |
outward behavior | demeanor | ComportamiendoConducata |
person who sees the negative side |Pessimist | Pesimista |
Remove anything vulgar | Expurgations | |
seriousness | Gravity | SeriedadFormalidadGravedadResponsabilidad |
somewhat reclined | Semi-recumbent | RecostadoReclinado |Strong suit | Forte | FuerteHacerse el fuerte |
To sway from one side to the other | Vacillating | Balancearse |
uncultured; a hick | Provincial | PueblerinoInculto |
unrealistic and practicalespecially referring to romance | Quixotic | QuijotescoSoñador(idealistic, romantic) |
useful but unattractive | Utilitarian | UtilitarioFuncionalUtilitarista(person: follower of utilitarianism) |What I learnt
I've learned enough vocabulary, I've also learned to discover the meaning of the words by reading the entire sentence and I've learned to visualize while choosing to not so wrong inthe personages, but above all I’ve learned to understand the book.

My opinión
First I found this book a little difficult, but I really enjoy with it.
I was expecting it to be really boring,I...
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