The Prisioner Of Zelda

Páginas: 4 (834 palabras) Publicado: 18 de noviembre de 2012
This novel is about the adventures of a young English gentleman, Rudolf Rassendyll, in the fictional European kingdom of Ruritania.
Chapter 1: Rudolf Rassendyll decides to visit Ruritania to watchthe coronation of King Rudolf the Fifth in the capital city, Strelsau. Rassendyll makes his way to Zenda, a small town in favour of Duke Michael, the King’s brother.
Chapter 2: Rassendyll meets theKing’s men, Colonel Sapt and Fritz von Tarlenheim in the forest of Zenda. He meets the King as well and discovers that they look extremely alike. They get on well and have a meal together on the nightbefore the coronation. Unfortunately the King is drugged by his evil brother, Duke Michael, who wants the throne for himself.
Chapter 3: Colonel Sapt persuades Rassendyll to impersonate the King sothat the coronation can take place; there he meets the King’s betrothed, Princess Flavia.
Chapter 4: With the coronation successfully accomplished in Strelsau, Rassendyll and Sapt return to where theyhad left the real King, only to find out that Duke Michael has him imprisoned in the castle of Zenda. It becomes Rassendyll’s task to continue acting as king.
Chapter 5: Sapt and Fritz thinks thatthe real King is still alive as only three of Michael’s famous Six – a Frenchman (de Gautet), a Belgian (Bersonin) and an Englishman (Detchard) – are in Strelsau. They think the other three – theRuritanians (Lauengram, Krafstein and Rupert Hentzau) – are guarding the King at Zenda. Rassendyll meets Michael and three of the famous Six while he is paying Flavia a visit.
Chapter 6: Rassendyllreceives a letter from Antoinette de Mauban, Michael’s French mistress. She doesn’t want Michael to become king and marry Flavia. Rassendyll meets Antoinette at a summerhouse, where he is nearly killed bythe three of the famous Six. Rassendyll uses a tea table in the summerhouse to protect himself and manages to escape.
Chapter 7: Rassendyll is told to ask Flavia to marry him. He finds it hard to...
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