Tipos De Suelo

Páginas: 6 (1287 palabras) Publicado: 25 de mayo de 2012

Pupils should learn:
Scheme of Work
Sc1: to locate information about plants and preferred soil types in secondary sources
Sc3: that different soils have different characteristics, including pH ranges, and that this affects the plants that grow in them

Framework Yearly Teaching Objectives
Sc1: to use scientific knowledge and understanding to interpret patternsExpectations
λ All pupils will be able to select information from secondary sources relating to soil type.
λ Most pupils will be able to make effective use of secondary sources of information about the relationships of soil type to plant growth.
λ Some pupils will be able to describe a variety of soil types and explain how these were formed.

What I’m looking for is for you tobe able to compare different soils and give examples of plants that would grow in them.

Starter 6 10 minutes
Give the above WILF statement for the lesson.

Using cards made from resource 9G.a.1, give pupils, in pairs, seven minutes to try to match each key word with its definition. After seven minutes, go through the correct answers, stressing the importance of the key vocabulary.If pupils record the number of words that they correctly matched with their definitions, you can repeat the exercise later in the unit and challenge them to get a higher score.

Main activity 6 40 minutes
10 minutes
Brainstorm how soils are formed and what they contain. Record pupils’ ideas on the OHT of resource 9G.a.2. (You may prefer pupils to brainstorm in pairs first and then moveto fours to combine their ideas). Make links back to units 8G and 8H on rocks and weathering and the rock cycle. Discuss the different types of soil, such as clay, loam and sandy.

5 minutes
Demonstrate 250 cm3 of water passing through two different soils (sandy and clay), and time how long it takes each to drain through. Discuss the implications of this and what you could do to improvethe drainage of your soil if you lived in an area where the soil was clay-based. (Beware of collecting soil samples from areas likely to be contaminated by cat/dog faeces!)

5 minutes
Ask pupils:
1 What pH is soil?
2 Are all soils the same?
3 What might cause the differences between soils?
(Stress that not all the acidity in soils is due to acid rain, and that contact withvegetation amplifies acidity).

20 minutes
Explain that pupils, in pairs, are going to carry out soil tests on five different soils, by mixing each sample of soil with water and then filtering it and testing the filtrate for pH. Tell pupils to identify patterns in their results and discuss what their findings would mean if they were a horticulturalist.

Plenary 6 10 minutes
Issue copies ofresource 9G.a.3 to pairs of pupils and tell them to search the Internet for the information they need to answer the questions. Encourage them to use Google or another search engine to find the information. A good site to use is: http://msucares.com/pubs/infosheets/is372.htm

Remind pupils of the WILF statement for the lesson.

SATs practice. Some questions could be used fromtestbase. Although, to date, there have been no specific questions on the formation of soils, different pHs, etc., the following questions assess pupils’ understanding of related ideas such as acidity and the formation of rocks: 95.A1.16, 97.A1.14, 01.B2.12, 02.A1.05, 95.A2.05, 97.A2.15.

|Acid rain |This has a pH of less than 7 and damages the naturalenvironment on which it falls. |
|9G.a.1 |9G.a.1 |
|Sulphur dioxide |This is a harmful gas produced by volcanic activity and burning fossil fuels. |
|9G.a.1 |9G.a.1...
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