
Páginas: 13 (3190 palabras) Publicado: 26 de septiembre de 2012
History of the committee
The United Nations Industrial Development Organizations (UNIDO) is an agency on the United Nations whose intention is to promote industrial development in developing countries and to work to improve living conditions in the poorest countries by using their natural resources.
Timeline of significant events
The UNITED NATIONS conference on the "Establishment ofUNIDO as a specialized agency," at its second session in Vienna, adopts the new Constitution.
Following a series of consultations between Member States that have ratified, approved the Constitution of UNIDO, the Constitution enters into force on 21 June.
This year sees further restructuring of UNIDO, with an emphasis on services geared to private sector development. Mauricio de Maria yCampos (Mexico) is elected Director-General.
Member States adopt a Business Plan for the Future Role and Functions of UNIDO that paves the way for its thorough overhaul. The purpose of the Business Plan is to enable UNIDO to better respond to the changing global economic environment. The seventh session of the General Conference appoints Carlos Magariños (Argentina) as UNIDO'sDirector-General.

UNIDO's reform is hailed as a resounding success by Member States attending the Millennium Conference at the UN headquarters in New York. UNIDO's efforts to increase the industrial competitiveness of its client countries are also applauded.

industrial production accounts for slightly more than one-tenth of the gross domestic product (GDP). Tobacco, processed foods (includingsugar), and beverages are the most valuable products. Chemical products, transport equipment, and machinery are also important.
Cuba's Revolutionary Economy

by Andrew Zimbalist
Cuban economic performance is in the eye of the beholder. Despite the fact that between 1980 and 1987 national per capita income in Cuba grew at a real annual rate of 4.4 percent while in the rest of Latin America it fellat an annual rate of 0.7 percent, U.S. mainstream opinion has never reflected that progress. Views of the Cuban economy have varied between "an economic mess" and "only through massive Soviet aid is anything achieved." The first school is populated by pundits who have little claim to any knowledge about Cuba, much less its economy. Thus, Susan Kaufman Purcell of the Foreign Relations Council wrotein the New York Times Book Review in October 1986 that Castro had presided over no less than "the destruction of the Cuban economy." And, one month later in the same publication, Stanley Hoffman asserted that "the [Cuban] economy is in a wretched state." Official pronouncements, of course, have been equally derogatory and severe. President Bush, for instance, said, two years ago: "Castro hastaken one of the hemisphere's strongest, most productive economies and ruined it," according to the Miami Herald.
Mainstream interpreters with even a passing familiarity with the Cuban economy have acknowledged positive aspects of Cuban economic performance but have attributed this success solely to massive doses of Soviet aid. Lawrence Theriot, in a U.S. Department of Commerce study prepared for theJoint Economic Committee, wrote: "The genuine socio-economic and political accomplishments of the Cuban revolution have attracted much international attention ... [but they] have been possible only because of massive economic assistance provided by the Soviet Union." Another example of this line of interpretation is Carmelo Mesa-Lago, a prominent interpreter of Cuban economic affairs. who toldFortune magazine "Without a phenomenal Soviet subsidy, the Cuban economy would be a disaster."
In fact, while Soviet assistance has been both generous and instrumental to Cuban economic development, its magnitude has not been accurately determined nor its impact systematically analyzed. Estimates of Soviet aid by the CIA are widely and uncritically cited, but the estimates are deeply flawed. They...
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