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Home » Poetry » Shakespeare’s Concept of Immortality Through The Legacy of Children

Shakespeare’s Concept of Immortality Through The Legacy of Children

hannah jaafar on Mar 15, 2010• Tags: immortality, Poetry, Shakespeare, sonnets
Discussing Shakespeare’s concept of immortality through legacy of children.
According to Shakespeare, we can reach immortality through ourchildren. Look at the Sonnet 1. Even the first sonnet talks about the poet’s advice to the young beautiful man about having heir for his generation. From this, we can see that children play vital roles inthe life of mankind. According to the poet, the young man is too proud of his physical beauty and refuses to get married, not thinking of the future.
                        At line 6 of Sonnetnumber 1, ‘Feed’st thy light’s flame with self-substantial fuel’ refers to the young man’s narcissism of his beauty and his selfishness. With the man’s not having thought on future, the poet tries toimagine what is going to happen for the next few years whereby the man will get older and his admirable beauty will fade and gone out of this world.
                        Through line 11, ‘Within thineown bud buriest thy content ‘, the poet reveals the consequence of the young man’s being selfish and too proud of himself, which is that he will bury the gift given by God to only himself, so he willnot be immortal to live in the next life. In the sonnet number 1 too, at line 1, ‘From fairest creatures we desire increase’, we can see the point that from the most beautiful creatures, we wantoffspring. Since it is human’s natural instinct to love to see attractive things, there is no doubt that we want the beauty to remain forever. However, unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. The least thatwe can do to preserve and maintain one’s life is by reproduction. That’s why at line 13, the poet continued, ‘Pity the world, or else this glutton be’ to tell that if the man ignore this saying, he...
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